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Jeremiah 34:16 Is It Whom Ye Or Whom He?


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Jeremiah 34:16


Let's see what the local independent baptist church publisher Bearing Precious Seed has in the 2004 KJV Bible for Jermiah 34:16: whom ye


Let's see what a soul winning local independent baptist church supported ministry has in their

2007 KJV Rock of Ages Study Bible based on the 1948 Oxford Pilgrim Study Bible for Jermiah 34:16: whom ye


Let's see what my Official 1611 KJV replica says: “whome yee” <---same word different spelling


Cambridge 1637: “whom he


Oxford 1769: “whom he


It is also “whom ye” in:

KJV The Defenders Study Bible 1995 World Bible Publishers

KJV Tim Lahaye Prophecy Study Bible 2000 AMG Publishers


It is “whome he” in:

KJV published by Baskett in 1728

KJV published for the American Bible Society in 1840

KJV 1909 Scofield

KJV Ryrie Study Bible 1994 Moody Bible Institute

KJV published by Nelson before 2006

KJV Life Application Study Bible 2004 Tyndale House

KJV 2002 Thompson Chan reference

KJV Key Word Study Bible 1991 AMG Publishers


Pure Cambridge Edition has “whom ye” in Jermiah 34:16


Matthew Henry's Commentary uses “whom yein Jermiah 34:16 (18th century)


It is enough for me that fellow independent bible believing baptists have “whom ye” in Jermiah 34:16 and the Pure Cambridge Edition which is supported by a strong KJV advocate.


You might to interested to know that J. Vernon McGee from Thru The Bible uses “whom he” in his broadcast which you can verify by a free mp3 download here: http://thruthebible.ca/


However, if you follow the link to the free KJV Bible on audio download from the thruthebible website to here: http://mp3bible.ca/ and listen to Jermiah 34:16 then you will hear “whom ye


I would be interested in what people would have to say but based on the results I would say:

whom ye

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