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Napsterdad last won the day on September 21

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  1. @HappyChristianThank you for the well-reasoned response. More grist for the mill. There is a good amount of gray area here. Perhaps this is one of those issue that we will never have a definitive answer to this side of Heaven. And when we are there it really won't matter anymore will it?
  2. I struggle with this one a bit. Mainly with regard to those who got married before they were saved. Then, after some years, one or the other gets saved, but the other refuses to accept the gift and continues on in a sinful lifestyle, sometimes even more so just to get under the skin of the newly saved spouse. This happened to my brother. He got saved and his wife threw down the gauntlet. When he then got baptized she went off the deep end. Had he stayed married to her she would not only have destroyed her own life, but his as well. I know 1 Timothy 3 states that Pastors and Deacons should be the husband of one wife, but can someone affirm that doesn't just simply mean 'the husband of one wife', a previous unbiblical marriage not being part of the equation? What do you do with Ezra 10 where it was condoned that people not only put away their wives, but children as well, from marriages that were done outside the will of God? I'm not saying that the prevailing opinion on 1 Timothy 3, that one must never have been divorced to be a pastor or deacon, is wrong; I am just stating that I am not convinced. My brother was never called to either office (rightly so for many other reasons), but I know a few others that if they believed they were called would probably make very good pastors or deacons. Then, what do you do with the man whose only wife is a divorced woman? Is he disqualified? For the deacon 1 Timothy 3:11 states: Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. But no such requirement is listed under the pastor qualifications. And does this verse mean that she cannot be a divorcee? What if her previous husband was very abusive to the point her life (and that of her children) was in danger? Once again, I am not stating that the prevailing IFB stance of no divorce for a pastor or deacon is wrong, I am just stating that I am not fully convinced.
  3. Our church has Sunday evening services. I did go to a church some time ago that did not. In its place it was highly encouraged that people have one or more families over for Sunday fellowship. I actually enjoyed this while it lasted. I learned a great deal during this fellowship with the saints and the spiritual growth of our family during that time was profound. Unfortunately, after about five years or so, the practice dwindled significantly, and nothing replaced it. The church, as far as I know is still Sunday mornings only.
  4. Actually, the original 1611 KJV was tainted right from the start as it had the Apocrypha inserted in between the Old and New Testaments.
  5. A "Trump Bible". Really? Doesn't that sound just a tad bit oxymoronic to anyone but me? It's not even truly "his Bible" as he just took Lee Greenwood's pre-existing Bible and pasted his name on it for political and monetary gain. (FYI, Greenwood's Bible was supposed to be NIV, but Zondervan withheld the rights, so they had to go KJV as it is in the public domain). The main thing I see when I look at Trump is pride and arrogance. I don't see Trump in any way as a spiritual leader. I'm only voting for him because in this nation's current sad state of affairs he is the least harmful. His name certainly doesn't belong on a Bible. Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. Proverbs 16:18-19 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 19 Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.
  6. My company provides my phone, which is the ONLY reason I have an iPhone XR. I've had the same one for the past 5 years and it still does everything I need it to do, just not as well as the old Samsung I used to have. As soon as I retire it's back to Samsung, and likely the cheapest one they have on Consumer Cellular. I have no need for the one-pixel better picture quality the latest $1000 upgrade will get you. As for AI, like everything else I believe it is what the user makes of it. If used for appropriate reasons I do not see the harm. Unfortunately, there are always those who will twist whatever technology is out there to the work of the devil. We cannot stop advancing simply because some may use those advances for evil (unless, of course, that advancement is initially intended for evil).
  7. Our church has a Jubilee going on through Thursday. Last night we had special music by the Ben Rochester Family and Charlie Lambert, then preaching by Joe Arthur. After that I couldn't bring myself to be brought low by the debate. From what I hear I made the right choice. God is good. If you haven't had a chance to hear the headliners we had yesterday I highly recommend each one. Joe Arthur is good online, but he is fantastic live. I can't wait to see what tonight offers. So much better than anything political.
  8. Way more often than not throughout our history, God has allowed mankind to choose who would rule over them: Hosea 8:4 They have set up kings, but not by me: they have made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off. Even when it was supposed to be a Biblical Theocracy the people were making their own choices.
  9. Don't get your knickers in a twist. In the half of my response addressing your post (the forum joined my two responses together. I wrote TGLs and yours separately) I did not say you believed anything one way or the other about Trump. My point was simply that if anyone is waiting on a Christian candidate before they vote they are in for a LONG wait. Judging by the current way events are shaping themselves I believe that will only be upon Christ's return. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
  10. I didn't say I did not accept the video. I just said it was not clear what specific word he said. I am not a Trump fan. He is just the best alternative we have at the moment, which in and of itself is a sad testimony on the state of America.
  11. IS he saying "half Christian" or "a Christian". Not very clear. Doesn't sound like "half" to me. Sounds more like "act". Perhaps a mispronunciation on his part. Regardless. TGL must have it right since he has placed him on an even standing with God by KNOWING who is saved and who is not. Whatever. As I've stated before (somewhere on this forum) if we only voted for those that were truly Christian, I doubt any on this forum would ever have voted. EVER! Who's the last presidential candidate that we have had that you could safely say you believed was a Christian? None in my 63 years.
  12. I agree we are all entitled to our opinions, but is this an opinion that we would want a pastor to be holding? Is he still holding this opinion? Is his apology sincere or simply damage control? Words spoken from behind the pulpit should first be screened through the Word of God. They carry extra weight and have a far greater impact. All preachers need to always weigh their words carefully. It is obvious that Pastor Leonard did not, and I think it speaks volumes to his character. If this is what Pastor Leonard truly believes I don't believe I could stay in a church. Such a bad testimony.
  13. I have a number of James Knox books that I find quite good: Books – THE BIBLE Baptist Church Store (jameswknox.org) We also were introduced to Caleb Garraway earlier this year. I started going through his Echoes of Yesteryear books (sermons from D.L. Moody's Northfield Conferences) and am enjoying those. He has a number of other publications too, even some geared toward children. Remnant Publishing - Remnant Ministries (remnantministriesonline.com)
  14. Can you give us a link to this supposed quote from Trump? I did a Google search and got nothing. I'm not saying Trump is a Christian or that he is not a Christian. I admit the fruit is a bit sketchy, but his standing before the Lord is between him and the Lord. Before you start casting aspersions could you please provide a viable source, or as we used to say in the Navy, Maintain silence about the decks.
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