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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. It’s sad, to loose a family member or friends. But there are no short cuts. We cannot earn are way to heaven. But there is always a chance, we don’t know, if the person repent. Believe in Christ, at their last moment. Yes, Saved, but will not receive any rewards, In heaven. Pretty much, we that are saved, we are working for our heavenly rewards. But not just this only, we are being obedient.
  2. I believe Salvation is a gift, can the gift from God, be a miracle? Just checking, Salvation is higher, than a miracle I believe.
  3. What happen to, what would Jesus do? It disappeared. In the Christian communities, things also come and go. Remember the color clothes. Red green, white, yellow, black and gold.
  4. That’s correct Jesus is not in the cosigning business, or tracking device. Since you mentioned card, it reminds me of the invitation cards giving out in the church. The first time visitor card, it should have also at the bottom, would you like a visit from us yes or no, and respect their decision.
  5. I don’t like to use the word union, for a name of a Baptist church. Like they do in UK. Union’s are always political, maybe this is why it does not sound right. I believe you are in the right place. It’s very exciting to help a Pastor, start a new church even though there’s just two or three. You know, he’s not doing that for the tithe.
  6. If I was a person saved, but not baptized, can I become a member of your church. Get maybe baptized later, when I felt the need to. Do you have drums in your church. If you do, you can be leaning charismatic. I’m not against drums, but it does leans a little towards Pentecostal church. It’s nice to see your fellowship with others.
  7. Have you ever seen two independent Baptist Churches very similar, Christian schools, support missionaries, King James Bible only preaching in church, only short miles away, but the pastors don’t really talk to each other. You would think they’ll be celebrating how many lost souls came to Christ, or that we’re celebrating our 25th baptism this year. Maybe asking the other church pastor for some assistance, in a certain area of need? No competitions, just brotherly love. Example: pastor, let us pray tonight for Pastor so-and-so, they lost a brother close in Christ, that was very involved in the ministry. Let us pray for his family, and for their church, that they find a replacement soon. For this church has needs. I know this may sound very rare, but this is much needed, I believe.
  8. If we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, independent Baptist church, and members. In my years, visiting English and Spanish churches, I noticed a lack of communication between other pastors and churches, the pastors don’t fellowship much with other pastors of the same faith. Some type of competition going on, I do see where some teachers and members jump from one church to the other, some come back, and some do not. I do know that one church missions might be different from the other church missions. But the main mission for all these independent Baptist churches is to reach the lost for Christ. Does your Pastor fellowship with other pastors of the same faith, or is your pastor isolated on his own, not much fellowship with other pastors or Christian leaders? This is not a negative post, it is a beware post.
  9. When I say attending a local church, or my local church. I am talking about the church that I am attending locally. We that are born again, belong to the body of Christ. Now we all know the body of Christ, cannot be maintained in one building, or location. So the body of Christ, and the local church can be everywhere, or anywhere. I’m my humble opinion.
  10. I think he’s trying to put the king James only folks, in the spot. ?
  11. The next liberal Democrat, governor in the state of Florida, will turn it more LGBTQ gay friendly, than California is now. Bring welfare, abortions, and more homeless benefits, along with legalizing marijuana for recreation and more drugs. Yes to casinos gambling everywhere. Prostitution legal lies down the road, with free healthcare checks. Sad Day
  12. Disney world, is going to try to kick Gov. DeSantis out. With the help of the LGBTQ gang buddies, like liberal mayor Buddy Dyer. He’s not my buddy…?
  13. How do they the 3 compare with the KJ Bible. Are they very similar? If yes, then I would say they are inspired translations. I believe the king James version is the best and free version out there in the English language. The King James Bible, beats the test of time, KJB is not the only true Bible, There are many languages out there, if after they are translating with the King James Bible, they are very similar. Then I believe, they are inspired, and you are reading the Word of God. How do I know, what I am saying is true? the world either loves the KJB, or hates it. This is a good sign.
  14. I notice their profile photos, look different, posing like for a dating site. I’m a friendly judge. ? sorry for the mistake.
  15. I noticed yesterday, this forum had three visitors, supposedly models? There should be a way where members can report suspicious activities, without being an administrator.
  16. A new believer should be disciple and encourage to continue to hear the preaching of the word, so they can grow spiritually. This will apply to also an older Christian, for we continue to grow spiritually. For we all do not change immediately, and we all don’t get baptized immediately. Staying faithfully with a body of believers, in a localchurch will help a person stay or remain more faithful. But this is not a guarantee, for we all can slip and fall into temptation being born again. Then who is saved, all those that remain faithful to the end, even if they struggle. In doing doing works, this will help you and me remain faithful, but not for salvation. Tracts are very good to give out, but there’s only so much good information, that you can put on them. The shorter they are the better, just like a well preach message.
  17. I’m glad, that I was a grown-up, when they baptized me, the right way.
  18. Am I attending the right church, since these last replies, to this post. I have not seen or attended a baptism.
  19. They say, when 2 bullies fight each other, they become best of friends.
  20. There are many tracts that are adding works. The free gift or simple plan of salvation. Believe in the Bible, Gods Word. Repent, realize that we’re sinners, that we all are in need of a savior. Bible versus, to support this, is all you will need to share. Free gift, but not cheap. ?
  21. The 2 new tag team partnership, president, and vice president.
  22. If you ever visited, Puerto Rico, probably felt like you were in America. The Puerto Rican and American flag all over the island post office, American banks, stores, restaurants, dollar bill same currency. I believe the biggest problem the Puerto Rican have becoming a state, is changing the first language from Spanish to English, especially in the schools. And paying the federal government and its taxes. But right now, I believe they have no other choice. ?? ??
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