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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. If there is no man to preach or refuse to preach. God, can use a woman, if He pleases. They are already evangelizing.
  2. When we that are born again, are in heaven, are we going to wear white clothes. If we are now in the spirit, heaven. Why wear clothing at all.
  3. Yes, for they were hungry and for their survival. Many did eat, lest they faint and die.
  4. I believe a woman can lead or serve, in the music, usher, security, kitchen even teaching in the classroom. No, into becoming the Pastor, of a church. If there are no men, this can all change.
  5. I’m probably going overboard about this, more then the average Christian. I’m sorry, I’m trying to point out, we need to watch out, on how we are running and using His tithes, and offering. We can become blind to how we are using it. We need to manage it well, like the 3 the Lord gave money to invest, not to bury the tithes (talent) into the ground. To later just give it back to Him.
  6. It’s not so much the BBQ on the church property. It’s who is paying for it. The tithing and offering is for the Lords work. If we don’t manage it well, this fall’s under robbing God. The church is not a business where we do what ever it takes, by spending the tithing, to get more people to visit. Now, I know you and most here will agree.
  7. Barbecue and fun activities are not biblical, that’s my point.
  8. Folks, sadly some of the tithes and offerings should be supporting Missionaries, they are sometime the last thing that a church will support. I’m not talking about the general yearly offering, the Southern Baptist do, I’m talking about the local Independent Baptist church. Those missionaries that are seeking our support. Are they priority in your church, to support, praise God. Or are they on the back burner.
  9. Correct the tithe and offering is used for everything. What should it not be used for. Example; used for having a church barbecue, with jumping balloon for the kids. Yes, like the brother mention above. Everything goes they can do what the members wish, it’s non of my business.
  10. No, I never got paid for serving the Lord. But, I’m pretty sure that there are some, that just puts it back into the offering plate.
  11. I believe that mask works to protect. Mask has been used for years for surgeries and for not spreading colds or flue’s to others. The next time you have surgery, tell the doctor he doesn’t need to wear a mask ?
  12. Now, the funds of tithing is being used to paid out all these services. Is it okay, or the tithing and offering should be used for evangelize and paid the building bills. Utilities only.
  13. I do understand your point, sad to say this but members that are paid, work better, and play better. Some will come to church even when they are not feeling well. I personally was against paying members to serve, through the years. Today, I am thinking that it might not be so bad too. If the church can afford it. For the reason that I mentioned above. Thanks for serving
  14. I have a Christian Haitian friend, that told me during the earthquake in Haiti. He ran out of the house, leaving wife and children behind. I believe he loves them, but during a sudden emergency, we all will not act the same. Be Safe
  15. It’s easy to love your brother and sister in Christ, but it is much harder to Love your neighbors. In this busy life that we living in. Are we loving are neighbors, the way we should. I need to work in this area. Love my neighbors, not just the body of Christ.
  16. I would like to share, I noticed that those churches that pay members, like the music ministry leader, or assistant pastor. These members are more faithful, could it be because they are getting paid? Would they be as faithful if they were not getting paid. I don’t know, and yes, it’s between the members and the Lord, not me or us. Faithful and true is the main thing. What I bring to you in this post is very private for many churches, and I understand that you cannot explain your situation publicly here.
  17. Many faithful members, wonder why churches are doing this bro. Tony. But don’t want to say anything about it. Many just leave the church. Which is a good idea, but unfortunately the problem remains. Thank you for serving.
  18. Correct, this is what I was talking about Salary plus others. This should not be done, in my opinion. Example a pastor that earns $40,000 plus other benefits, that you mentioned above. I say, pay him $85,000 with no benefits, yes he have to pay his own, but that’s OK, we all do. He is getting paid well, now. I really don’t know why churches need to get into paying living, health, taxes, transportation, smart phones, tolls, and the list can go on and on. Thank you for your reply.
  19. The ones I mentioned, is done often. It’s being done openly, and is in the financial report. But, I still believe in paying the pastor very well, with no benefits. So He gets, or buys his own benefits. He pays his own taxes, health, living, and SS. Like, you I do, for example.
  20. Thank you for sharing your information. I don’t understand why do many churches get into other benefits, I can understand an automobile, this is because they are on the road very much, and doing visits.But Benefits, that the average person will never get working in the public, or private. This would be for a new topic. Why not pay him well, He pays for all his own things, example home and health.
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