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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. I’m just trying to match the devils seed, with the event that you mentioned above. Why is his seed mentioned. When we have Bible study, we always mention the for bidden tree, and not to eat of its fruit. Little is mentioned about Satan and the devil seed, after Eve ate. I do agree with you. But I thought there might be more to it. How and when sin enter man kind.
  2. Abel, had a sacrifice lamb ? that satisfied the Lord, but Cain, sacrifice did not satisfied the Lord. Was Cain unclean, and Abel clean. Did one the 2 have a evil soul living inside.
  3. Thanks Jerry, regarding the seed of the Devil. Was this seed enter into the bodies when they ate of the fruit. Did Cain, have this evil seed, being the first child born when he killed his brother Abel. We are all born with this sin nature. We are all born sinners.
  4. They believe in the Holy Bible, Jesus is the son of God. The virgin birth, the Old and New Testament, in the trinity. Now how they apply all this, is a different story. Like the baptisms, they sprinkle. This is done incorrectly.
  5. But when God says to Satan, between his seed, he didn’t have children physically. This is where it all started from, when the person asked me, did Satan have sex with the woman, Eve. From his Seed, children. I told him he did not have sex with Eve, but I will have to check into more regarding in her seed, and his seed.
  6. But going back to the verse in genesis, it mentions his seed and her seed, not Adam seed, or does it mention children at all?
  7. Jesus said, to the Pharisees you serve your father, the devil. I believe this is not the children you’re talking about.
  8. Thanks, but this of the Devil children, is new to me. All I ever heard was his falling angels, not children.
  9. Genesis 3:14-15 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. What does it mean, when He says, between thy seed and her seed? Seed
  10. Nice, they removed them all. This is why am here. Today will be a great day.? Everything is good with me.
  11. This do make much sense, and It went through my mine. Parents are also learning as they are preparing these lessons for their children. Thanks
  12. You guys should stop complaining all the time. It’s okay to say, I don’t agree you TGL. GIF are funny, relax my friends.
  13. Thank you for sharing this important information. Have you ever run into a parent that sadly, did not have the proper education to teach her children. Can this be a stubbing block, for the growth of the child. I personally don’t know of anyone, but I imagine, that it could happen. Thanks
  14. I wonder how hard is it to become a home school parent. The parent, that also need to be upgraded, on their own teaching skills. Also those kids that control their parents, not disciplined.
  15. You have my permission to delete this post, with all replies. TGL
  16. He is a true Christian, he supports gay marriages. He supports abortions. He supports all liberal movements, the LGBTQ Love him, Vote for him again. If you are a Christian liberal. Come on man…
  17. Like Joe Biden says all the time, come on man…
  18. Pointing out that they’re all black.
  19. I tried spying on the ladies forum, but I couldn’t get in. ? That don’t sound right BT.
  20. This is where discipling and following up comes on hand. I remember reading a book, I think it was called Once Saved Now What. It was a small pamphlet very good. Or Christians first steps. These pamphlet had to do with disciple new Christians.
  21. I had requested the Search Bar, this was working not to long ago.
  22. No replies yet, sometimes I believe that we’re afraid to openly speak what in our hearts and minds. For we do not want to be wrong politically or in front of others. I am here to challenge you to fear not. I have the answer to this, and I have no Bible College background.
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