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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. Why does Trump, have so much security and protection during this hearing? Can you imagine, what would happen if something happened to Trump, under the government possession. The Nation will say it was all planned to finish him. ??????? TGL, I edited the words "do" and "has" to read "does" and "have". Jim_Alaska
  2. Puerto Rico, has always been independent of the united states. Is it time, for it finally to become a state. Is there room to add one more star to the great American flag? https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/puerto-rico-on-its-way-to-become-new-us-state/48157236#:~:text=In November 2023%2C Puerto Ricans,allow for a binding vote.
  3. Add these requirements with the ones that were in place already, with the LGBTQ movement. Probably would make any Armed Force weaker. This is very sad, and scary. TGL the word is "Armed", not Arm. I have corrected it for you in the thread title and your post. Jim_Alaska
  4. Around eight years ago, my son took the test to join the Army, he passed the test with high numbers no problem, but when it came to the physical, he could not enter because he was allergic to wasp bites. I told him recently they’ll probably take you now, he answered. It’s too late, when I wanted to join, they didn’t let me. This was done during the Obama ministration, when they were downsizing our military. https://www.stripes.com/branches/army/2023-01-18/army-soldiers-recruiting-requirements-8809987.html
  5. I can prepare this meals. Steak with rice and beans and avocado, fried plantains or ripe larger bananas.
  6. Time will tell, remember we follow not man. Like the unbelievers.
  7. I have voted for him, not no more. He sadly unpredictable. Even dangerous for America. Trump, is a perfect example of the Antichrist. 3 1/2 years awesome, then 3 1/2 years Hell break out.
  8. This could be the start of something very big around the corner. A massive division here in America. Or chaos…
  9. Trump, is in big trouble now. I think it’s time for him, to through the white towel. He did his service, it’s time to give up.
  10. My Church, has a blue color or tone to it now. Different ?
  11. Yes, this was bad news to hear. I heard that this person was a transgender female. It is possible she had some rejection, being this a Christian school. What if this Presbyterian Church, did not allow that type of lifestyle. We’ll find out a little more as they get more information.
  12. It makes a difference on how we leave this earth, if you are a believer in the faith, or nonbeliever. We believers, those that are saved, and born again, will be with Him. We have the hope and faith. We stand by His name Jesus, and His promises. He cannot lie, the nonbeliever has no hope or faith. They will not accept the free gift of salvation, which is in Jesus Christ. Being at the funeral, they say many times, they’re in a much better place. This is true, but this is only for those that believe in His name and Word. You and I need to get this right the first time. Don’t delay in His calling. Have a nice day… ?
  13. What’s sad is she’s not doing well health wise. We are praying that thing get better for her. We are not close to her, as we were many years ago, but if somehow we do meet again. We will help in some way, my wife, and I. I do feel sorry the man, but he will learn the hard way. For one day he will look to the right, and see no one. Looks to the left and see no one. He will have to look up and repent. I am also divorced, but I didn’t have a girl friend. I went back home with my parents. It’s a long story. I paid all my dues and supported my children. They lack nothing and are grownups now. Believers of the faith. Amen
  14. I just found out not to long ago about this. I believe they were in fellowship, in a local church for many years, but he, I understand totally turned his back to Christianity. It’s pretty weird, and we are still shocked to hear of it. But, I guess divorce is divorce. If you do it legally, then get remarried, it’s smoother but never looks pretty. Only in Hollywood, they can make it look OK, where an ex-wife can get together with the present wife, and make it look like everybody getting along just fine. Example, what’s happening with Bruce Willis.
  15. Matt.24 [12] And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
  16. The prior post, what drive men to this? Sounds like a good title here. His daughter is older than his wife. What does the Bible say, about this. When men of God, turns wax cold.
  17. History repeats itself, over and over. I’m aware of the case of someone going through this right now. She 25 years younger, amazing. We all know the results, later she leaves him for a younger man, the story repeats over and over. TGL, I edited out your last sentence, it was totally inappropriate.
  18. I watched and heard his message and some of it is pretty good, now about the part of the sinners prayer, I believe he’s wrong. There might be some churches that are not saying, you must believe also in the gospel, Gods Word, but I believe many churches do as part of the sinners prayer, says in Gods Word the Holy Bible. Now when it comes to people changing in their lives. It’s individually, some change faster than others. America, is no longer the leading role in Christianity, the way it should be. It’s getting worse and it has open it doors to sin. Example to abortion, the LGBTQ movement, drugs, greedy, hate, perversion. This might not sound like a sin to you, but laziness here in America has multiplied, people don’t wanna work, they want easy money. Now going back to the preacher. He’s right on many things he said, but wrong on judging everyone the same. It’s not just saying I have Jesus in my heart it more to it. Yes, you need to believe that the Bible is God‘s word, and that the gospel of salvation is through Jesus Christ alone, through faith and grace.
  19. Good morning, can one of you Admin. add an L to aloud on the title. My spellcheck didn’t show allowed. When posting. Make it allowed ? Gracias
  20. Good morning, these are no complaints of the website. I’m just trying to help. I also notice, when I click a topic or a post, it would take me to it but to the bottom of the page not the post, and I have to scroll up to find it. ?
  21. Thanks, he could be leaving his faith at church. Not practicing it at home, this happens in all denominations.
  22. The blue menu looks much better than the black color. How about if you remove the menu button from top right, and bring it down to the bottom. Remove messages, also bring down to the bottom the website title. This will rise the page that a person is reading to the top. ?
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