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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. That’s where the big savings coupons kick in. They spent millions sending them out through the mail. There will be many employees out of work.
  2. You see these major retailers and huge department stores, for many years. You start thinking that they will be here forever. But like Sears, everything has an ending. I believe sometimes their logo or name are purchased, and they remain selling stuff online, but this is not the same, neither the same owners. I believe you can still buy craftsman (Sears) tools, in some retailer stores.
  3. I meant, to have all of this knowledge, and education, and never becoming a pastor.
  4. You could have been a mega church preacher, if you wanted too. You are a professional theologian.
  5. What made this Independent Baptist forum, interest to you, you being none denomination. Thank you, for answering my direct questions. This will help me and others. You’re probably not kJ only, but that don’t bother me. I don’t know if to much training have affected you. ? Dr.
  6. The LGBTQ community have blinded many governments and many churches. If they can brings in more votes, members, money, they are all for it. Lost Souls, that cell out, for the more.
  7. Can you answer the Trinity part for me please, thank you. I wanna make sure you’re not a Jehovah witness..
  8. Throughout the whole Bible, religious man of God, we’re all sinners, and they did worse than Trump, the main thing here is to be aware not to fall into them, those mentioned above, and they to remain conservative, faithful to the end. You do agree me that we all fall short. That’s sin is in control of the flesh, even to the Saints.
  9. Do you believe that Christ, is not just our source. But Jesus, is the son of God. The three are one, the trinity. I ask, because you’re nondenominational or none. Many none, are very Liberal. You can correct me please. Thanks TGL
  10. Do you believe in the Holy virgin birth, in the Bible.
  11. I believe the US pulled all their navy bases out already? They have the Coast Guard over there, maybe the Army base. After the war in Hawaii, they became a state. Not sure why the delay for Puerto Rico becoming a state. All the old-timers passed away, those that did not want P.R to become a state. When the island go bankrupt, maybe one of these multibillionaires will buy the island. Elon Musk, for his shuttle program. ?
  12. That’s was a good answer. Will see what will happen, only time will tell. Hopefully, no dictator is voted in, and take over the island forcefully. What I mean, they kick the US out, by the majority vote. If P.R not becoming a state, the government or leader can say, you see, they don’t care for us.
  13. But If the US say no, to P.R becoming State. Don’t they have the liberty of becoming socialist, like Cuba. I don’t know, what would happen. They can become independent, I believe.
  14. You are correct, we don’t want to change the subject here, or get any liberals upset here. We believe a man is born a man, and a woman, is born a woman. No either side, here. The man is head of the church, after Christ. The man, is head of the home.
  15. True, crime can be compared to Chicago. But P.R is going bankrupt and don’t have options. If the US don’t take advantage now, someone else will. Who? China or Russia
  16. Women that can preach, and acceptance of the LGBTQ community lifestyles, will bring in more cash. Money talks…
  17. The European country can adopt them, and make Puerto Rico their State. This way they can put one of their military bases there. They can also take over all the ports, for shipping and receiving. This might be a better option for a Puerto Rico State.
  18. I have notices, churches, that become more liberal, they becomes Mega in size. they don’t need the southern Baptist support. Mega churches, needs mega money, to keep them running. I personally believe, this is not God‘s plans, of spiritual growth.
  19. Drain the Treasury, I don’t think so. They will be paying State and Federal Taxes, also pay property, and tourism Taxes. Social Security Medicare, out of the wages and more. Just like here in America, and all those things that you mentioned above.
  20. America is still beautiful and a great place to live and raise the family, but we are slowly throwing it away. Freedom is good, but too much freedom, brings chaos.
  21. Can we truly say from the heart, God bless America. Between the use of Pot and all the Abortions, the LGBTQX movement, Killings, Leaders not standing for normal morality, and lifestyles. Where killing your pet, you can be stone to death. Seniors citizens being sent to nursing homes, because they are in the way. I know, that God is in control. Yes, this is a true negative post. Sadly
  22. Looks like Uganda Africa, is the only country that are saying no. To what you mentioned.
  23. Sounds like the Democrat Plan. No money, no pay, In an emergency I might have to do the same thing.
  24. It’s built on the rock platform. ?Salvation Network, Incorporated. KJ Certified, Firmware Repent 777.7 Eternity.
  25. I have heard this before, and I agree with you BT. Let’s see, if there are others that have might heard this saying. I am not a gentile.
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