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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. Thanks for all the prayers. Our children’s, truly are not ours, but His. They will have to deal with their own salvation, and consequences. For in serving the Lord, there is no inheritance, for salvation.
  2. There are some Christians, that don’t want to be called gentiles, why? Acts.13 [42] And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath. [46] Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to theGentiles. [47] For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. [48] And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.
  3. One of my sons, started to Vape. Young adults, making wrong decisions. He not in fellowship at this time. The Lords know, 3 out of 4 of my kids are not focusing in Christianity lifestyle, at this moment. Keep them in prayer for me. Tattoos and more. This is happening all over BT. That’s why some of my post sounds negative. Satan, is attacking our Youth like never before, in my opinion. Many brothers and sisters just stay quiet, for they are ashamed. I’m not, like you mentioned BT, God is still in control.
  4. I think BT, the Wrath the brother mentioned has to do with death, not spankings.
  5. Thanks for sharing that verse. I believe that verse, what is kind a hard, just watching all that stuff happening around you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I also believe, you can’t go around just thinking everything is gonna be just fine. It doesn’t matter what happens.
  6. The Lord is removing all his good old pastors. Another 25 more years, and will have only liberal pastors, those that say yes, to the LGBTQX movement, and gay marriages. Trouble just around the corner. The youths are not responding to carry the torch. In my view, hopefully I’m wrong. Thankful for those that serve.
  7. I was calculating 30 years of employment with the government between them and myself, we have paid over a half million dollars in my and family healthcare. Today, I have no health plan, retired. Cannot afford one, to I reach 65?
  8. I’ll have to read it again slowly, what I understood was that the pastor said Jesus hated sinners, then the post said, that he didn’t hate the sinners. I’ll will need to start over. Thanks
  9. Well, the topic of this post says he hated sinner’s, and then we say it’s incorrect.
  10. I’m a little bit confused, did Jesus love the Pharisees, and hated their sins, or did He hate the Pharisees, and hated their sins.
  11. What I understood was sinners send them self to Hell, for not believing, not God. Can someone correct me if I’m wrong. Does God, send the lost to Hell?
  12. I would have to ask John McArthur, about the sinners that god hates, are you talking about born again Christians, or are you taking about those that don’t know Christ. God does hate the sinners, those that don’t want to believe in him. That’s why they go to a place called hell in the Bible. They are going to hell on their on own will. Now those that are born again or sinners that repent, and believe in His name. They are covered by the blood of the lamb. Their sins are all forgiven, and these are the ones that Christ died for. In this case God hates the sinners. All those that reject Him, and his gospel, the word of God.
  13. I think this pastor forgot that he’s the head of the church after Christ, and head of the home, but the wife is the neck, that controls his head. ?
  14. I agree with you, I watch preaching on YouTube. I believe YouTube, should be use for Bible teaching or Bible studies only. I do listen to pastors preach on YouTube, because many of them don’t have Bible studies on YouTube. On YouTube you cannot receive or give prayer request personally. You’re not present for baptisms, You’re not present to say hello to your brothers and sisters in Christ, or new members. They say you can pay your tithing online, but I believe that fall short. Lastly, the pastor doesn’t know who’s watching or who’s listening to the service. If a brother or sister needs counseling, that it’s also hard to do online.
  15. Thanks, I wasn’t clear. I also agreed with brother Tony, on his reply. Just mine, did not sound correctly. Poor grammar.
  16. If I was a nondenominational, or non IFB. I would probably not be posting here. Most likely, Non KJ. Would not be posting here. Of course I can be wrong too.
  17. A light color brown metal roof, would look good. Silver, might be to tough for the Sun reflection. Just a thought
  18. That a nice church, the steep roof is so that the snow slide off. Correct
  19. Are you for or against, YouTube preaching. In my experience watching preaching on YouTube, It’s pretty good, but not the same thing as being in person for service. Many pastors, don’t mind preaching on YouTube their services, but, there are some that, I imagine don’t like posting on YouTube. For one reason or another, that’s OK too. Can you share your experience, there is no right or wrong here. Edited to delete the GIF. Administrator
  20. You seem to know very much about them. If they go digital, how can they get money from their members, when their members have to pay for all the handouts they share. I believe this is the way they support the ministry. They don’t do weekly tithing and offerings , correct.
  21. I have an update regarding the Jehovah witnesses. They are no longer knocking on doors. Now, I see them in the public park walkways with a stand with hand out flyers stuff, but they don’t approach you. They are letting you approach them, so you can just walk by and say hello, and they’ll say hello back, that’s all. Now,if you ask them regarding what is on that display, now you open the door to them to minister to you. The Jehovah witnesses are doing something, that we are not, that is reaching out in public places. I was wondering if we can do the same thing, but have the display full of Christians tracts, free information. We might be able to learn something from them? What do you think. In the area of reaching out with the gospel.
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