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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. I’m sitting out here in front of the store waiting for my wife as she’s finish making her purchases. There’s a gentleman outside axing for two dollars for a cup of coffee please. I see people giving him money but he continues to ask for two dollars for a cup of coffee, finally came to me and looked at me and said can I have two dollars for a cup of coffee. I was going to tell him with all that money collected, you can buy me a cup of coffee, but I just told him no. I don’t have two dollars for a cup of coffee. There’s been a lot of people begging for money lately, the Holy Spirit will tell you when to give.. .
  2. We Christians, don’t believe in the Big Bang theory, but when God the creator, created the heaven and earth, was there a big bang going on here, or was it all done in silence.
  3. Before, I was able to put a word in the search and find the topics, regarding the search, word, example spell baptism, and it would go to topics regarding baptism. That was a good feature for the smartphones. I hear sometimes people saying, we have spoken about that before, but if there is no search? Just checking
  4. I’m glad that I am Saved, and I haven’t quit. Like many members that have quit. Men do, and can fall short helping you. I remember hearing a pastor saying to the members, I’m sorry. He said, one day he might let us down. So, I am saying to all of you, I’m sorry before hand, if I am not there for you someday. I do understand him well, smart man.
  5. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it. I did laugh a little bit when you talked about the Pastor salary him not being present. I was at a meeting were we were discussing this his salary and he was right there, in the middle of all of it, just listening to the end, Then they ask members to raise of hands if you agree, the pastor was still there. Then after I found out that everything was already decided I couldn’t understand why ask raise your hands. This is why I’m bringing this all up. I experience it in person.
  6. Rather you like it or not, Christians judge other. This is not done for pleasure.
  7. I’m just a voice in the wilderness.. Saying Repent and get right. Relax my friend
  8. Some can earn $500 a day today, if you add the benefits. I feel many pastors are lacking income, and many are over paid. The Lord knows this
  9. As a judge, which, sometimes I do first of all, I wouldn’t listen to any pastor that comes to interview in a T-shirt. It wouldn’t surprise me, if his church doesn’t even have the Christian flag or American flag in it. I don’t know this Pastor, never heard him preach, but right off, he looks contemporary. These preachers or pastors that make changes, like I’m no longer KJ are the ones that will open first to the LGBTQ movement, for marriage. Looking for Fame. They do have the members to back them up.
  10. That was very nice of the pastor, but it sounds like the leaders were over paying him to pastor from the beginning, or the pastor is in good standing. He have money, and don’t need as much. Which is the way it should be. He runs his home well.
  11. I believe in some cases, it’s not the pastor. The church leaders, they are the ones that percent theses packages. The pastor, will never say, you are paying me too much. I probably wouldn’t either.
  12. When it comes to paying the pastor of a church, should they get paid a flat rate, or by the number of members. The more members, the more he gets paid. With no ending what that could be. Example; 300 members $75,000 a year, 600 members hundred members $150,000 a year. Now, I know it’s up to the church and its members, but is it right or wrong, to pay him, like this in your opinion?
  13. Folks don’t leave your kids out there alone. Be Safe
  14. It was very hard to share a good book back then. Little more easy now with the internet. I imagine 30 years ago, it must’ve been really hard. There’s probably many very good Christian books out there, that were never been presented well. Sitting in boxes in a warehouses somewhere.
  15. Do you know anyone personally, or Pastor of an Independent Baptist church that you might of attended. Is this a special calling, writing Christian books. ? ?
  16. I’ll like to go back, to the topic, who should get paid for serving in the local church. If there are anymore comments.
  17. This is true, but in person it is much harder to do. I feel that it is much easier to talk about it on here, which doesn’t really help anything. Bro. Tony, would you agree with me that when these meetings are holding a financial meeting, many of the church members don’t even show up. When Churches that have members, that don’t attend the meetings, it much easier for the church to do whatever they want. I’m not saying that all churches are not doing things wrong with the tithing, it could makes it easier for them to do wrong. When their members are not paying attention. Many are people are easily brain washed, when following false leaders. There are some of those around too,
  18. I hope so, maybe we can see if others seen this happening in there’s. But the bigger problem is many members don’t even go to the meetings. The last financial meeting I went to regarding the budget for the whole year, lasted maybe 20 minutes. I had many questions, but since I was the only one that would ask a question, I stayed quiet. I believe members that ask questions are normally looked at as, troublemakers. Sadly
  19. I support this, and special offering not just for facilities repairs, like roof and storms damage. I support special offering for guests preacher. But, I visited churches that don’t take votes for spending. They are just spending then inform what was done. Why in this case, not yours, vote. Example purchase of a vehicle, then asking the members to vote if they agree on it, but they already have the vehicle. The church does it, whether you agree or not.
  20. I believe this, and it does apply especially when it comes to head of the home and family.
  21. That is true, it does not concern me. But I believe, this is not in the Bible, churches that do not have good ministration of its tithes and offering, are robbing God. For it was in trusted to the leaders, to do so. I personally, will not tithe or give my offerings to a church, if what they are doing openly is wrong. Supporting things that are political non biblical with the tithes. The pastors new jet, example.
  22. That’s a good answer, white, sinless, blessed He who comes in the name of the Lord. The palms, looks like history repeats.
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