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Everything posted by heartstrings

  1. Luke 23: 39And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 41And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. This man acknowledged that he deserved his punishment, that Jesus was Lord, that Jesus had a Heavenly Kingdom, and he asked for God's mercy. He basically turned against himself and turned to God, all at the same time. There's no "step one, step two" etc. The instant one believes It's like doing an "about face". About the "prayer" thing. No, you don't have to say "words" to be saved; a deaf-mute can be saved. Salvation takes place in the heart. But, again, nothing wrong with praying a "one time prayer" like "God be merciful to me a sinner" either if it's from the heart.
  2. We have a piano and an organ(which no one plays anymore). Occasionally I'll play guitar. We have no drums, but foot-tapping is allowed.
  3. This is the phrase which caught my attention: "So many people are deceived! And so many youth are deceived! And so many adults are deceived! Into believing, that because they prayed a prayer one time in their life they are going to heaven." -Paul Washer The reality of whether one has truly repented and believed is between them and God. But let me get what this man is saying; is he saying it takes more than one prayer? Or...works? I mean, so, a "one time prayer" isn't enough, even for someone who truly repents and prays that prayer from the heart? That's what is sounds like he's saying. The publican, in Luke 18, who stood afar off, smote his breast and said "God be merciful to me, a sinner" prayed that "one time prayer" from the heart, and "went down to his house justified". It was the pharisee who said his empty, meaningless "prayer": "God I thank thee that I am not as other men are" who was still lost and "deceived". Just one "one time prayer" like the publican's is all it takes for Jesus to come into your heart, and the Holy Ghost indwells you forever.
  4. Men "began to call upon the name of the Lord" in Genesis 4:26. (see also John 1:12 and Romans 10:14) The ones who did so, include the named individuals in Genesis 5 who were also ancestors in the lineage of Christ (Luke 3:36-38), Then Genesis 6 is subesquently a continuation and summary of the individuals and events in Genesis 4 and 5.. Genesis six then says that God destroyed the world because of four(4) things. 1 The wickedness of MAN was great 2 His imagination was on evil continually(MAN's) #3 Violence filled the earth (angels?) #4 It repented Him that he had made MAN It makes no mention of the sins of angels, Just man. And the Bible says that an angel cannot be a "son of God". Hebrews 1: 5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? Yes, angels did fall, but they are reserved in chains of darkness. You mentioned Jude. Jude chapter 1 speaks of three(3) groups of sinners, and their sins, from the Old Testament: The angels "despised dominion" The Israelites "spoke evil of dignities" (Moses and God) The Sodomites "went after strange flesh" (They were sexual perverts) Then Jude makes the comparison that the "filthy dreamers" of Jude's time, were doing all three of these sins. Where people get it wrong is they try to say that the angels mentioned in Jude were the ones "going after strange flesh" and ignore the fact that it was the homosexuals of Sodom who were doing that. They then use it to prove their "angel cohabiting with women" belief.
  5. Mysteries like.... "his ways are higher than our ways"? (also an incorrect understanding)
  6. My better half is out of town until Monday, I don't sleep well, almost none, when she's gone. When I lose sleep I get grumpy so, I'll get back to you on this later. Oh wait, it's almost quitting time, that's a good thing. ?
  7. When I got saved I said, no, screamed one word (((((JESUS))))))!!!!!!!. Looking back now, I would liken it to the desperate scream of a drowning person about to go down for the last time. I had heard the Gospel in the message, saw myself as a wicked sinner, had been shown the righteous holiness and love of God, realized I deserved Hell and didn't want to go to there. I didn't know what to say, I just screamed it out right there in the pew on my way to the front of the church and I don't reckon the thought even occured to me to care who heard it. It was just God and me and, from my perspective, He was right there in the room. That was my prayer of faith. That is of no merit of my own. God set before me the ultimatum and the opportunity to choose death or life and I chose life. I don't know how Mr. Washer would assess that but, that matters not to me. What he needs to assess, is the fact that his Calvinist leanings are false doctrine, I mean, who would truly put their trust in a Jesus who only died for a few and purposely chose to not enable the rest of humanity to believe so that they could go to Hell for some sick concept of "glory"? That doctrine is a misrepresentation, a lie, about the very character of God. I'm glad I had never even heard of that mess before I got saved. The man can't even get the character, the very heart, of God right so how can he teach people about salvation...."easy believism" or to be qualified to speak of people not showing any fruit in their life? What kind of fruit is in his?
  8. Now, stuff like this.... Step 1 Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, 2 I ask for Your forgiveness. 3 I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. 4 I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. 5 I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. The 1, 2, 3 repeat after me "salvation" yeah, I agree, I doubt very seriously many if any get truly born again that way. But to basically say that people can't have any assurance in their salvation because they prayed a one time prayer? I mean, what's up with that?
  9. "So many people are deceived! And so many youth are deceived! And so many adults are deceived! Into believing, that because they prayed a prayer one time in their life they are going to heaven." -Paul Washer That would depend on the faith and repentence that went into that "one-time" prayer. Because, if the Holy Spirit indwelled that person during that prayer, he's as saved as he can possibly be. I certainly wouldn't make such a statement as he has here.
  10. Now the man who "smote his breast", and said "God be merciful to me, a sinner", was justified. The Bible says that if one "calls upon the name of the Lord" they shall be saved. It also says "Confess with thy mouth and beleive in thine heart" etc. These are certainly examples of "praying a prayer". I would argue that the "thief on the cross" did the same: he spoke directly to God and was saved. So if someone prays a "one time prayer" believes on Jesus for salvation, and the Holy Ghost indwells them, that "one time prayer" was enough. So what does this guy mean by this and what drives such a man to constantly preach negative stuff like this? And what drives such a man to teach that God predetermines a few for Heaven while predetermining most others to Hell? So what if he preaches in other countries etc. Alot of other false teachers are just as passionate about getting their brand of false gospel to the masses as well. I mean, what drives such men to continually spew this stuff? Are they devil-possessed? Is it the same spirit that drove men to deceive people to the bitter end, like Jim Jones , David Koresh and Marshall Applewhite did? I don't get it.
  11. This is almost like the "angels cohabiting with women" stuff. Oh wait a minute: it's pretty much the same thing.
  12. And I thought my former pastor taught some kooky stuff. That is stark raving nuttier than a banana fruitcake. Almost gave me shudders just reading it. Sounds pagan.
  13. Our SBC does not have a physical "altar". There is a raised platform with a podium and a communion table. But the pastor always mentions the need to be saved and always gives an invitation at every Sunday morning service. I liken it, Biblically, to this: Come unto me........ Matt 11:28-29 I was saved at what I would call the "invitation" so, I can say it was important in my case. May 11, 1986, about three or 4 pews back on the left side, I believe one of the songs was "Love Lifted Me" and the pastor preached on "The Lord is my Shepherd", Not sure what the invitation song was, I don't remember hearing it. I think I may have plowed my way out of the pew before it even got started.
  14. When I was about 4, I got lost in the huge orange grove we lived next to. My parents had half the community out there looking for me and I don't remember anything about it but, obviously I was found and it must have been a traumatic experience for my parents.? So, my Dad built a fence around the back yard and as he was finishing up, my Mother says, I told him "I can still get out".
  15. So I'm at another point in my life, where I'm tempted to ask God "Why?". I heard the other day someone mention that asking God "Why?" is not the right thing to do. We should instead ask "What?" Here's an example.... https://embracing.life/article/when-you-find-yourself-asking-god-why So I would like to know where this admonishment is found in the Bible? Because even Jesus asked the Father "Why?"
  16. It looks like they're Catholic so; what else would we expect but false teaching?
  17. I was watching a video, the other night, in which a man, his wife, and child were attacked by a bear while on a camping trip. I thought it odd that all the guy could talk about was protecting his child; never once mentioned his wife. Then I'm reminded of my wife telling me when she learned about how her older parents, after the kids had all left home, got along great while alone, but got into conflict whenever the kids came for a visit. I wonder why? Then I've heard many times, spouses saying that "my kids come first". That sounds good, on the surface, but is it? Here is an article, by a psychologist, which sheds some light on this very crucial subject. (I hope it's Ok to post the link) https://www.theknot.com/content/choosing-between-child-and-spouse Here is a short excerpt... But, this gem of wisdom is not new. Notice "hubby" is listed first? Why would the Bible say that young women, who typically say "I put my kids first", need to be taught to love their children? I don't know for sure, But, from what I have seen, if spouses do not put each other first, there will be conflict in the home the children will not get the love they need and it's the kids who end up losing in the end.
  18. Deuteronomy 17:15 Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the Lord thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother. 16 But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the Lord hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way. 17 Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold. Yes, I'm sure we could all agree that David, Solomon were right with the Lord at the time they contributed to the Word of God. But nowhere, even in the OT, does God condone multiple wives. Even Abraham was out of the will of God when he took Hagar. And Solomon was disobedient to the command of God when he took multiple wives. Adam had one wife too. Genesis2: 23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. God's will has always been one man for one woman. He never condoned what Abraham, Jacob, Solomon did, nor any other instance of polygamy.
  19. King David committed adultery, then murdered the woman's husband. I'd say that was pretty evil. Yet he was the writer of most of the Psalms. King Solomon was basically a "legal" adulterer by having 1000 wives and concubines and accommodating them in their idolatry. Looks like a pretty sordid life to me, yet Solomon was the writer of the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. I guess that's what some say to be "using crooked sticks to draw straight lines".
  20. Please read the following verse And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD. Genesis 18:22 It plainly says that Abraham was standing "before the Lord" too, but I do believe it was on this earth, not Heaven. Again, neither of the two Job narratives say that the "sons of God" or Satan were "in Heaven" as well.
  21. I remember a song or video the kids used to watch, vege-tales or something where the character sings "I can't wait to have patience, cuz patience is a wonderful thing". Remember those? Yeah, adults walking around all day with such in their heads....terrible. Anyway, the jest of the song was that "patience" is being able to endure the anticipation of something. I suppose it could include that, but that's not the root meaning of the word......I think the word means to be able to calmly withstand/endure adversity. I am going through some bad stuff, family stuff, and I would appreciate any prayers anyone could offer up for us. Thank you. James 1:3-4 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. and Romans 5:3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
  22. Haven't smoked in over 40 years. Funny you should ask. My DIL asked me that very question last night, right after asking what I thought about drinking wine. From the tone of the conversation, I suspected she wanted something to pounce on So, I told Her I WOULD Not answer the question. She tried to tempt me to answer like 2 or 3 more times but I still refused So she came from another angle and asked had I ever smoked or drank beer. To that I answered "yes". I then turned to my son and asked, have you ever seen your daddy drink or smoke? He answered, "no". Over 40 years on drinking too. I wasn't going to lie about my past, but both she and my son know where I stand on drinking. She only wanted something to argue about. But she said no more about it. Let me say, in conclusion: neither smoking, nor drinking is going to send a Christian to Hell *if he's already truly saved*. But they'll damage your testimony, invoke the chastening from the Lord, and likely send you to Heaven early.
  23. Proverbs says: " It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Even after 6000 years I don't believe mankind has discovered all of God's "concealed things" nor nailed down every truth, else all true Christians could agree on on everything. For instance, experience tells me that you will likely disagree with me on the meaning of the following verse...... "For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, This day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, And he shall be to me a Son?" .....because the way it reads to me is, that no angel has ever been a "son of God.
  24. The planet, earth, is a spherical ball of molten rock and metal covered by a relatively thin crust. There is no physical "cornerstone" in a ball of magma. Maybe the "cornerstone" could be the Sinai Peninsula" since it's kind of triangle shaped? I leave that for another discussion. Job 38:1-7 is using builder's terms and they are metaphorical. But nothing in the passage gives a time for the occurrence of mention. I could ask my 8 year old and 11 yo grand daughters or 14yo grandson where they were when God created the earth. One or all of them would likely say "papa, that's easy....I wasn't born yet." Does that answer require the wisdom and understanding that God asked of Job for the answer? Do you see anywhere that Job gave an answer to that question? Know why? Because Job did not have the necessary wisdom nor the understanding to answer it because Job did not have the complete Word of God like we do. "All" of the "sons of God" were (will be) there, after the rapture, in the city of Zion. (they already were from God's perspective) Had Job possessed the wisdom and the understanding to answer God's question "where wast thou", he would have answered "I was there" And nobody "sold me a bill of goods" I came up with all that heresy by myself.
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