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  1. It is on the ID channel. I have a paid Sling Subscription so I'm watching it on there. BTW, I'm outraged by what these men in authority have done to these young girls
    1 point
  2. My wife mentioned it can be also that there was 3 gifts, 3 was added. That is what you mentioned. The gift
    1 point
  3. You could learn the organ to assist with hymnal choirs perhaps?
    1 point
  4. Thank you, I started this website many years ago. Hopefully, it has been a blessing to many, that was my goal. I am not a mean or negative person.
    1 point
  5. We should not use those kind of things unless we are using the biblical and correct English definitions and pronouns, no church should encourage its members to do that.
    1 point
  6. This thread really got me to thinking how I have reduced significantly the number of preachers I listen to. Back before COVID when I drove nearly an hour one way to/from work I had a much larger line-up. Some of my favorites came from Sword of the Lord: Mike Allison, Jeff Fugate, and Bob Jones Sr. I also had some favorites from Bible conferences I attended; like Joel Logan of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Greenville, SC; and James Knox from the Bible Baptist Church, Deland, FL. I'm going to have to get back to listening to these again.
    1 point
  7. Let's just put it this way, there far too many scandals, sexual and otherwise in the clergy regardless of denomination, and far too few churches that make sure there is accountability for these incidents, both legal and ecclesiastical. There has been some improvement, but not anywhere near enough. There have been several pastors here in Middle Tennessee who have temporarily stepped away from their ministerial posts because of these challenges to try and recover mentally and spiritually and be restored Biblically to full fellowship and ministry. I can respect that type of person as long as it's sincere and an appropriate time between their removal and restoration. Some stepped aside and within three months were back in their positions after having adulterous affairs or some other serious infraction. I know that the son of the current pastor of the church that once housed the first Bible college was grooming and molesting young men from the youth where he was serving as the youth pastor. When it came to this being revealed the son was arrested, tried, and is currently serving a moderate prison sentence. There were some calls for the pastor (I went to the Bible college with him back in the early 80s before he took the pastorate there) to resign, but that didn't happen. I know several who left and went to other churches. Should he have resigned? It was his son, after all. Was HE accountable for the actions of his son? That's a tough call.
    1 point
  8. I definitely understand and agree with how you feel about modern country music. It's very different than the stuff I grew up hearing as young child. Even the country music in the late 80s into the 90s had some morally questionable lyrics but for me many of the songs gave me sort of a foundation when it came to God's presence in the world since my parents didn't speak of anything religious. Probably the best example would be the George Strait song "A Love Without End, Amen"...where I was able to see God's goodness by thinking of how much my earthly father loved and provided for me. Even songs like Lee Greenwood's - God Bless The USA made me feel proud to be in a country that worshipped HIM. It's very different now. The music and lyrics are so generic and don't have any real meaning to them. There seems to be a tendency for country singers to transition to Christian music later in life like Randy Travis and Alan Jackson.
    1 point
  9. If you are playing guitar, I would just say that our pastor wont allow a guitar in the church even in the Sunday school. He considers they are too connected with rock music. I pointed out that pianos have also been connected to Rock music and boogie, but it didn't make any difference, he won't change his mind.
    1 point
  10. Sometimes it's necessary to limit or prohibit contact. I hate to see it happen, but sometimes it's the only option. Prayers are about all one can do in an advanced situation like that.
    1 point
  11. To be honest, I think the safest sacred music is hymns. Which don’t require additional chord progressions, because one just plays with or expands on written chords (and that’s come out of the classical tradition). My experience with the addition of chords that are not written is that they quite often conflict with the actual harmonies of the hymn, and make it difficult for people to sing in harmony. Most guitar chord progressions are written over-simplistically, and don’t coincide with the complicated chording already present in the body of the hymn. I’m probably not the best conversation on this subject, because I really am such a sight reader. As I recall, the 2–5–1 is a pretty basic chord progression that you will see in the construction of the end of most hymns.
    1 point
  12. Please give your opinion. My answer is NO.
    1 point
  13. The word Christian means "Christ like". The RC church is anything but Christ like. I even hesitate to call it a church.
    1 point
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