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Dells are very unreliable. I wouldn't have toooo many qualms about getting one though just because I have taken several apart and know how to fix them. You can get replacement parts on ebay for pretty cheap too.

Okay I have to jump in after all the Dell bashing. I have two Dells in my home, one is a 4 year old desktop and the other a 3 y/o laptop. Both machines have been very good (one hardware issue on the laptop, Dell shipped a replacement part overnight after a 10 minute troubleshooting phone call. Actually the new part was a upgrade) The company I work for has over 300 Dells running on a network at one location. Many of them run in a heavy industrial environment (extremes of heat and cold, smoke, oil, all kinds of things you would encounter in a industrial setting) and most run 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Plus many of these machines are run buy guys who are less than gentle with their equipment. We also have many laptops used for machine programming as well as Sells, engineering, business, etc
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Wow, guess everyone has a different experience with them. We have a Dell desktop and it is extremely loud, something I don't care for. hehe
And I've seen a lot of problems with them(more with laptops than desktops). They have cheap prices if you want something low-end and know how to work on it. Their higher end stuff doesn't have as many problems.
I think the thing that blows me away the most was the service comment. :eek I have always had to talk to India and they treat me like I am stupid and don't know anything about computers. Not to mention they are hard to understand. I have been on the phone with them for an hour before they would send me out a replacement part. Granted, they are fast once they finally admit the problem, but the Indian tech support is enough to drive a person insane. :loco

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I ain't crazy about the accent or location of the support folks either. Almost everyone is going to off shore tech support (which I hate). Actually I had much better service out of Dell than I did with IBM (my first machine). I guess I have been fortunate to speak with the ones that could speak passable English and understand Southern. :lol:

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I've had good pretty good luck with this Compaq V2000Z. Pitiful tech support though (I've only used live-chat, I dunno about phone), first claiming my model was Intel-based, and then providing drivers and manuals for this laptops sister Intel model, the V2000.

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