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Psalm 46:9-10 and the bogus bibles

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It may be we are trying to say the same thing.

Could the translators make their translation accurately without God's help?

Could any human, Christian or not, properly translate the Word of God without divine guidance or inspiration?

One of the problems I have with some of the MVs is so many of the translators were obviously out of the will of God. That being the case, how could they be trusted to accurately translate the Holy Word of God?

I think it is probably safe to say that all of King James' translators were not all Christians though.
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From what I have read, they were. I have read short biographies of each of those involved - plus excerpts from some of their writings. We won't agree with all their theology, but I believe it is safe to say they all were trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Not like Westcott and Hort, or many of these modernists involved in the MVs.

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Also, where are the lost translators going to get wisdom to know how to translate the words correctly? You might be able to argue (to some extent) that if they just gave an equivalent word, then that would be alright - except for when the word has various connotations and in their lost condition they miss that. And most MVs are based on the Dynamic Equivalency method - it is not even word for word, but what they think the authors intended! How can they understand what "Paul intended" when their minds are blinded? They can't.

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From what I've read the translators of the KJB were born again.

I also agree that an unsaved translator couldn't accurately translate the Word of God. In fact, the unsaved can't even understand the Word of God since they don't have the Holy Ghost so how could they properly translate that which they are unable to truly understand?

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So is it logical to assume then that a saved person could translate another accurate version of the Bible besides the KJV?

Very good question!

This is why I asked earlier about whether a truely accurate translation can be made without God inspiring or guiding the translators.

I believe without Gods blessing on such an endeavor even a Christian couldn't accurately translate the Word of God.
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So is it logical to assume then that a saved person could translate another accurate version of the Bible besides the KJV?

There are many sound TR-based Bibles in foreign languages. I know where Brandplucked is coming from, but I do not share his view that the KJV is the only accurate Bible out there (yes, only one in English, but not the only one in the whole world). If I was involved in translating a Bible from the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Textus Receptus, I would conform it to the King James Bible (ie. if any readings were different, I would make sure they were in agreement with the KJV) - because that is the specific edition of the preserved manuscripts that has clearly shown God's hand of blessing upon it. I would not translate from the KJV, but would make sure that I used the same manuscripts and readings behind the KJV.
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