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King James Onlyism: A New Sect

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Okay Calvary, the original "originals" don't exist. But copies of them do. Oh, and the original KJV doesn't exist either. So throw out the KJV, because you don't have the original. You are extrememly arrogant Calvary, evidenced by your repeatedly talking down to me by referring to me as "child." You know why you won't convince me? First, because both you and Will K and most other KJVO's like you have to resort to slander and criticism to get your point across. And because you are both arrogant and act like you have the ultimate knowledge so you must "teach" the world. Get over yourself Calvary.

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Kevin, :sad

This doesn't sound like you. We all have a temper, and that is what makes us usable for the LORD. If we didn't have any temper at all then we would be like jellyfish and slip and slide with every strange doctrine. We see this in high-grade tool-steel. Materials that are temperable are used to make machine tooling and are wonderfully expensive (i.e. valuable) as compared to ordinary hot-rolled mild steel as it comes out of the mill. Ordinary H.R.M.S. is ok for use in bridge and building contruction, but not for tooling that requires high-tensile characteristics. We human creatures are a lot like the various grades of industrial steel.

However, what we are not permitted to do is to allow our temper to turn us into bull-headed rogues. In that vein we are unteachable and become unusable. You are only 19-20, Kevin, and are way too young to act this way. I fear that great tribulation is coming to you unless you will be willing to go before the LORD and drop this attitude of yours. Take it from somebody that has been in your shoes already and had to learn the hard way. I pray that you do not have to learn that way.

Both Calvary and Will Kinney are men of God that have spent many years studying and comparing Scripture with Scripture.

You indicated in an earlier post that most of the KJV-onlys that you know have an arrogance that you cannot abide. By the same token the KJV-Os that I know personally, all have a kinder temperament and do not exhibit the attitude that you mention.

It is not my intention to dress you down, Kevin, but only to enlighten you to my observations.

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Those who know me personally PE, know that it takes a great deal to make me angry. One of my biggest pet peeves, however, is bullying. I was bullied for many many years as a child and it is something that I find utterly repulsive. The reason this thread gets my goat is because both Calvary and Will K are bullies. It is completely unecessary for Calvary to talk down to me referring to me as "child." It is quite obvious that Will K singles out and mocks those who disagree with him. Everyone who does disagree with him is automatically branded as one who is his own final authority and does not accept any Bible version as God's Word. But there are others who have studied these things out. People just as old as them I dare say. And they have come to their own conclusions about what makes the Bible the Word of God. I only use the KJV yet Calvary and Will K seem as though they are either trying to destroy my credibility by talking down to me and making false accusations or they are just doing it out of pure spite and arrogance. It is completely unecessary to belittle, mock and bully another Christian. Especially a younger one. Then when I react to their posts, I am the only one who is singled out and rebuked. Is there a double-standard here?

Let no man despise thy youth; (I Timothy 4:12)

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