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Is Baptist Grown Britney Saved?


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Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Matthew 7:16-18

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Why should we assume she is saved? Has she made a profession of faith? The article does not even say that much - just makes a few false assumptions.

Well, isn't that sort of the point.

We don't know. Only God knows.

And I wonder if as many folks "Tsk-Tsk'ed" her, prayed for her salvation, how much further ahead we would be.

Want to point her out as a horrible example for the specific choices she makes? I agree, she has made horrible choices, and is a good illustration for it. But what profit is it to discuss her salvation, if... indeed, SHE hasn't given a clear testimony of it.

My simple point is bringing up the BIBLICAL example of LOT who the bible says was justified and it says he vexed his soul daily.

I've never read Lot's salvation testimony in the Bible.

I look at Lot's "fruit", and it's all rotten.

And it leads me to believe that there is much fruit that human eyes can not see. Only God can look at a man's heart, or a woman's heart... or even the heart of a Pop Star.

So, for all those who are ragging on this poor girl who is either LOST or so deep in sin she is vexing her soul... I wonder how often you (not anyone in specific) pray for her?
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I seriously doubt you've personally prayed for everyone in the world too. And no, I haven't prayed for her or even witnessed to her - I am just responding to the article that spoke about her bad moral influence and assumed that because she had a religious background, she must have been saved.

P.S. It's the Bible (specifically the NT) that teaches us to look for good fruit. By the way, God expects more of the NT believer than He did of the OT saint - so even if Lot was a bad example with no obvious good fruit, that still doesn't excuse Britney or anyone else who may make a profession of faith.

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I do remember her making some sort of profession of faith, but I don't recall the wording she used. I can't recall if she said she was born again, or saved, or how she worded it, but I do remember it. At the time I was wondering if this was perhaps emotionalism or just a publicity stunt.

Since I don't know the woman I can't make any definitive statements regarding her salvation, but I do know there were no noticible public signs of her being saved since she made that statement. As well, some time after making that statement, Madonna led her into Kaballah, and if reports are accurate, she's likely become a drug and alcohol addict.

She does indeed need our prayers. This is further proof that fame and fortune don't equal happiness or a good life. Much better off would she be today if she had never took the path to fame and fortune but had rather stayed in the local church, come to Christ, married a simple Christian man, and were today a godly wife and mother, a fine Christian example in her tiny community.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. How we all fall so short of this. :sad

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I guess my point was, even if she did make some kind of profession of faith - where does the Bible state we must accept her word on that matter? (It doesn't - that is just something modern Christendom wants us to believe.) By that I mean, does her profession line up with the Bible? Even a Catholic or a cultist will say they are saved, but when you question them, you learn that their doctrine - especially in regards to salvation - is way off. Also, the Bible does not teach us to just go on people's words, we are to judge by their fruit - by their manner of living. Does her profession (overall - not just at a particular point in time - all true believers will have times of stumbling) line up with the Bible as well?

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I guess my point was' date=' even if she did make some kind of profession of faith - where does the Bible state we must accept her word on that matter? (It doesn't - that is just something modern Christendom wants us to believe.) By that I mean, does her profession line up with the Bible? Even a Catholic or a cultist will say they are saved, but when you question them, you learn that their doctrine - especially in regards to salvation - is way off. Also, the Bible does not teach us to just go on people's words, we are to judge by their fruit - by their manner of living. Does her profession (overall - not just at a particular point in time - all true believers will have times of stumbling) line up with the Bible as well?[/quote']

True, which is why I pointed out that since the time of her profession, there have been no publically visible signs of her being born again. In fact, as the fruit of her life shows, she has turned to a false religion, sex, drugs and alcohol.

I believe what you pointed out is one of the main problems in the thinking of those who oppose OSAS. They seem to be all too willing to accept that anyone who professes to be saved actually is biblically saved. Following that line of thought, it's easy to see why they would think they see so many who are living like the devil yet say they are saved and okay with God.

Rather than focus upon professions, if they focused upon evidence of a true profession, I believe they would see that while born again Christians do indeed still sin, they don't live a life of sin.

Of course, some of these take the holiness living to the extreme in that they claim those born again are incapable of sin. Again, not a biblical claim.

Which seems to bring us back to the necessity of rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Without doing so, one can come up with all sorts of false beliefs; as is evidenced by the Catholics, JWs, and other various "Christian" branches.
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Southern Baptist doctrine does not teach that once you are saved for eternity, you are free to live your life any way you choose. We have been bought with the price of Jesus Blood and we are to live a holy life. There are many professing Christians who believe once saved always saved is your fire insurance policy to live as you wish, in both Southern Baptist and independent Baptist ranks.

You can be raised in the Baptist church make a profession of faith and still be lost as a goose. Salvation is of the Lord.

God Bless
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Is Britney saved? :dunno: Nobody should assume that she is saved or unsaved and none of us have any god given right to judge whether a person who "professes" to be saved is in actuality saved or not. Jesus said that we will know them by their fruits, and the fruits here refers not only to their actions, but their doctrines as well. If Britney openly denounced Christianity as the only way of salvation and became a buddhist , then I would most definitely doubt her salvation. But for those who made an oral profession of faith - let God judge their heart as to whether they are saved or not.

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. Matthew 13:25-30

There will always be false converts among genuine Christians and it's not our job to determine or separate who we feel to be false professors of Christianity. There will come a time when the judgment of God will separate the tares from the wheat, but until then, let's get off our judgment seat and leave it up to God.


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Nobody should assume that she is saved or unsaved and none of us have any god given right to judge whether a person who "professes" to be saved is in actuality saved or not... But for those who made an oral profession of faith - let God judge their heart as to whether they are saved or not.

We have every right to gauge someone's profession of faith, according to the Scriptures. You cannot be too good of a soulwinner if you do not question and gauge someone's salvation. The majority of people I run into profess to be saved, until you question what they believe about salvation and about who Jesus is/what He has done for our salvation.

There will always be false converts among genuine Christians and it's not our job to determine or separate who we feel to be false professors of Christianity. There will come a time when the judgment of God will separate the tares from the wheat, but until then, let's get off our judgment seat and leave it up to God.

The context of that passage is dealing with those who look like wheat (ie. their profession DOES line up) - in that case, we need to leave them with the Lord.
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We have every right to gauge someone's profession of faith, according to the Scriptures. You cannot be too good of a soulwinner if you do not question and gauge someone's salvation. The majority of people I run into profess to be saved, until you question what they believe about salvation and about who Jesus is/what He has done for our salvation.

There will always be false converts among genuine Christians and it's not our job to determine or separate who we feel to be false professors of Christianity. There will come a time when the judgment of God will separate the tares from the wheat, but until then, let's get off our judgment seat and leave it up to God.

The context of that passage is dealing with those who look like wheat (ie. their profession DOES line up) - in that case, we need to leave them with the Lord.

You need to determine if a person knows Jesus truly, understands their salvation in Jesus because if they are not saved, then you need to try and get them saved. Right? I agree with you that yes we are to determine if a person knows Jesus according to what the Bible teaches on salvation, not just because they claim to be a Christian. People who who claim to be Christians but are not saved and are depending on their works hate Christians who place their faith in Jesus' work of salvation alone and will do what they can to hurt you. So yes, it is important to a least know if a person is truly saved so that you can at least be discerning around them. People who claim to be Christians and are not are under the control and power of Satan and Satan will use them against you. And believe me I have had much experience with this. You cannot determine whether someone is saved if you know practically nothing about their personal life - that's judging their heart and only God has that right.

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You need to determine if a person knows Jesus truly, understands their salvation in Jesus because if they are not saved, then you need to try and get them saved. Right? I agree with you that yes we are to determine if a person knows Jesus according to what the Bible teaches on salvation, not just because they claim to be a Christian. People who who claim to be Christians but are not saved and are depending on their works hate Christians who place their faith in Jesus' work of salvation alone and will do what they can to hurt you. So yes, it is important to a least know if a person is truly saved so that you can at least be discerning around them. People who claim to be Christians and are not are under the control and power of Satan and Satan will use them against you. And believe me I have had much experience with this. You cannot determine whether someone is saved if you know practically nothing about their personal life - that's judging their heart and only God has that right.


I would agree.

Furthermore, I would like to go on record here:
Britney Spears, while responsible for her own sins, is a product of what her parents made her. She's now a grown woman who has been pushed into the spotlight her entire life, rather than "just being a kid." She has no family support group, and few close friends. She is a hurting individual. If she is saved, let us pray that someone comes into her life that can put her back on the right path. If not, let us pray that God sends someone into her life who will point her to Christ. It's certainly a lot better than starting pointless threads to speculate on her eternal destiny.
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I wouldn't say Britney was "pushed" into the spotlight. If what she, her family, friends and others have said is true, Britney has sought the spotlight from a very, very young age.

True enough, I do believe her parents gave her to free of a run too early and didn't take the time to instill in her what she needed most.

To her mothers credit, over the past few years she has apparently been trying very hard to get Britney to turn from her wicked road, as have some others, but to no avail.

Of course, there is plenty of blame to go around, as there usually is, but as you point out, Britney is old enough to decide for herself whether to choose good or evil, and she knows the difference, so it's all on her now.

I absolutely agree, whether she is saved or not, she needs our prayers and she needs a good Christian influence in her life to help guide her right.

And this thread wasn't started to "speculate on her eternal destiny" but more so to expose the overbearing, and biblically inaccurate assault upon OSAS.

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