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The Evidence Bible

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I don't know if Comfort changed the meaning of the KJV (I did some comparisons, but obviously not enough to stick in my mind several years later), but he has certainly changed the wording. You can access and review that Bible (or at least part of it) from their website, so you probably could still read the notes without buying the Bible.

One that looks pretty good, and would be a good buy is The Defender's Study Bible put out by http://www.icr.org I am not sure if they have put this study Bible in more than one version, but I know they have it in the KJV. If you order the Bible through their website, you also get a CDRom with all the study notes in it - which makes it great for copy/pasting for your own use or for printing up/quoting.

You would be better off buying and studying a KJV than an MV - even if it was one that was supposed to be close to the KJV. The problem with too many today is that they do not stick to one Bible - therefore they cannot see the differences between the versions, and don't seem to dig deeper in the versions they have. When I stuck with the NASV only for four years, I saw the problems with that version. Then when I became KJVonly, I could easily see the differences - without having to have them side by side, because I was so familiar with the NASV.

Henry Morris is a strong KJV only guy (the ICR Defender's Study Bible) They only offer it in KJV.
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I forgot you can actually read the verse notes online for the New Defenders Study Bible (though you can't access the supplementary material at the end of the Bible). Because of some problem with the way the pages are setup, you must enter each chapter at a time. For example, Ephesians, then go back to search and type Ephesians 2, etc. The "next chapter" links won't work right. http://icr.org/index.php?module=home&action=search

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