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simple or complex?

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Those are good points about people who attend church yet never grow. Some may not be saved and some may just be lazy in this regard.

Discipleship would help with this. New converts greatly need discipleship. By discipling new converts, we may be able to bring to light the fact that some really are not converts at all and are yet in need of hearing the Gospel and truly accepting Christ.

For those who are truly born again, they need the guiding hand of mature Christians to help them develope new habits in their lives, such as daily Bible reading and prayer.

Some of the lazy ones may at least give some time to discipleship and thereby grow. Those who won't will be showing where their heart truly lies and that would help in praying for them and trying to reach them.

It's very true that when it comes right down to it, we are each responsible for taking our spiritual walk into our own hands. That said, Scripture is also clear that we are to make disciples, not just new converts, of all people. Mature Christians are commanded to help newer Christians to grow in the faith.

When we come to Christ we become a part of His family and we are to care for one another and help one another to growth just as an earthly family should. The Christian life is not meant to be an isolated journey, but rather a family journey.

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Would God make the Bible so hard to understand that only "learned" men could understand? As my dad said, I am 13 (turning 14) and can understand what the KJV Bible says and means. I don't need someone (besides God) to tell me what the Bible means.

This is my view. :smile

Young man, I commend you for reading and studying.

All I can say is the Bible is an incredibly in depth book, and its treasures grow richer with each level we uncover. Noone could possible run out of things to learn and understand about scripture. So I believe you are right that you do not need anyone telling you what the Bible means. As you study and learn, you will be prompted for more study, and more learning. There are wise men who have gone before us on this journey, and their writings and experiences can prove helpful. Do not shun them. Use them, but know the Bible is the only truth. I do not think we are saying let someone else tell you what to believe. Instead, we are promoting the fact that the Bible is rich and deep in its truths, and that it takes more then simple reading to understand it all.
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