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Scientists Now Say Everyone Sprang From One Being.....


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Scientists now believe that all life on Earth sprang from one being...But, they still believe that it was an amoeba.  It takes far more faith to believe that 530+millions of years ago that the small amount of slime crawled out of the ocean to form into all of these species. How can anyone believe that tripe? It takes far more faith to believe that, especially in light of these questions....

1. Where did this planet come from if the universe began with a  "Big Bang"? 

2. How could there have been a "Big Bang" to start everything if there was NOTHING? Is this REAL science? 

3. Why is it so hard to admit that their "beliefs" are nothing more than a series of faulty theories? 

There could be many more questions asked, but these are just a few I raised in my "science" class many years ago. The article below was what caused me to post this thread....


Scientists are correct that we all came from on being...God who in turn created Adam, or flesh and skin father!

Edited by BrotherTony
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