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Biden's State of the Union

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Posted (edited)

I didnt vote for J. Biden

Im not a fan.

(Im an "independent" who will always cast a  vote to keep the Dems out of office.)


J.Biden.... is the actual person who was reading  a speech in a Protestant  Church a couple of years ago and said....."Lets all turn to the Palms".

"the PALMs".

Like the Palm of your hand.. .  Get it?    The Palm of David. 

= and 3 yrs later He still calls it "the Palms".

So, thats a Catholic, (water cult)(cult of Mary) who is an avowed abortion lover, and political  hand puppet, who is a tool of the devil.

The NT tells us we are to pray for those in Leadership, like him...... and my prayer is that he is no longer in office, and that Marxist Christ Rejector VP Kamala H, is another on my prayer "hit list".

So.....IN case you missed the J.Biden  state of the union "speech", i wanted to post my revised version of it for you....


"Highlights". (some of it).

1.) "We..(Dems) hate Cops"

2.) "We are slowly trying to control (denounce) Israel, if they want us to remain their : loyal friend".

3.) "We are happy to welcome all the New-Comers who will illegally cross a USA Border, by the thousands, while i'm giving this pathetic Speech that i can barely read".

4.) "We, the Dems.... promote Gay sex and Chemical Castration of Children as a "civil right", because Parents are the enemy of their Children."

5.) "We promote a woman's right to use a procedure to stop her Baby's heartbeat in her womb, as a form of Post-Sex Contraception".

6.) "We blame Trump"..>"for whatever we can come up with Next, and misuse the Courts to keep Him pinned inside a Courtroom".

7.) "I personally take Millions from Foreign Countries as "bribes" and i use my son as the Human DONKEY to carry the money into my offshore bank accounts".

8.) "its my ministry to drag the USA into the Ukraine conflict that is really just a thinly veiled guise for inviting  a Nuke war with Putin ".

9.) "I'll keep Kamala H. as my VP, as she is an avowed and acknowledged Marxist and Christ denier, and that is what we stand for, as Democrats"......(Can i get an amen ??) ""

Edited by Behold
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I watched Bidens SOTU speech and I don't recall most of what "Behold" has typed here. 

As for TGL/Eddie/E Morales has stated, yes, many of the lost have.no moral boundaries, but I know many lost who, frankly, have a higher moral compass than most IFB "Christians" have. Let's stop painting with the broad brush that you so frequently like to use. 

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59 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

BT said, but I know many lost who, frankly, have a higher moral compass than most IFB "Christians"   

Amazing, how can we join these lost folks? 🙄  

Ever heard the phrase "in it not of it?" So, it's not so amazing that we have to be in this world to reach it. Maybe it's time you start worrying about your own relationships with those in need of Christ, other Christians, and the Lord. 

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Posted (edited)

The Democrats are frantic. They realize they'll either have to:

1) Rig and steal the election again. This will only work if the election is close.

2) "Ice" or imprison Trump, or preferably both. This would be too obvious of a move at this point and would need the GOPs cooperation.

3) Run a military coup after Trump wins. This is possible if they can drum up enough riots and destruction after the election. 

4) Allow every illegal, felon, graveyard and underage vote as possible. They will push hard for amnesty. But this doesn't guarantee every illegal alien will vote for Biden or that they'll even vote at all.

5) Start WW3 in the nick of time. Fortunately, or unfortunately (it depends on how you view it) the military has been depleted and ruined by wokeness. So war is unlikely but never off the table.

6) Insert Michael...err... Michelle Obama as a last minute replacement. She would be the only one who could defeat Trump in a square election at this point for the Democrats. She said she doesn't want to be a politician but that doesn't mean she couldn't be a puppet of her husband who has probably already been calling a lot of the shots behind the scenes.

Edited by SureWord
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