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Tests on heart and...

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My wife had her nuclear stress test Friday, and it didn't go well. I had my yearly with our cardiologist yesterday, and he put me on new medication. I don't have to undergo any surgical procedures yet, thank the good Lord. But, the doctor did discuss my wife's test results. They show that she may have several blockages. So she's now scheduled for an arteriogram on February 20th. They'll see if she needs stents or bypass surgery. 

This has been a very trying time for.my wife and I over the past year. We've both had to undergo extensive testing leaving us with quite a bit of debt, even with insurance paying their parts. We are seriously praying about whether or not we need to move back home to Augusta Georgia, or just stay put. There are many pro's and cons with each. Please pray for us to know what the Lord would have us to do. 

Thanks in advance.


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Update : Vivian came through her catherization well. She has NO blockages, praise the Lord! They're going to continue tracking the left side of her heart and the myocarditis. Thank you for all your prayers. 




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