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Will Christians Still Vote For Trump… ??

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2 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Yes, there's a new Speaker. But after the backlash from constituents, they really didn't have much of a choice but to elect one, and quickly. The American public, including many Republicans are losing faith in the Republican Party.

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Trump is still struggling, keeping quiet and stop attacking fellow members and leaders. He’s back posting on Twitter or X who wants go through all this again, not me. Along with getting in trouble all the time and all this crazy posting stuff, I think he lost it. Thanking Trump for serving his 4 years is good enough for me.

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31 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Trump is still struggling, keeping quiet and stop attacking fellow members and leaders. He’s back posting on Twitter or X who wants go through all this again, not me. Along with getting in trouble all the time and all this crazy posting stuff, I think he lost it. Thanking Trump for serving his 4 years is good enough for me.

I'd rather have some bad tweets and a good economy rather than a person who is elected just because he claims to be a Christian. We went through this when Carter was elected. No thanks. 

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6 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Poor Pence, Christians never gave him a chance.

It wasn't just Christians that didn't give him a chance. Many conservatives don't trust him. As I stated elsewhere in these forums, he wouldn't have been a good choice for an effectual POTUS.

Edited by BrotherTony
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2 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

It wasn't just Christians that didn't give him a chance. Many conservatives don't trust him. As I stated elsewhere in these forums, he wouldn't have been a good choice for an effectual POTUS.

Why, would he not be an effectual POTUS? Without mentioning Trump. Remember we are talking about Pence. 

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

Why, would he not be an effectual POTUS? Without mentioning Trump. Remember we are talking about Pence. 

I'm well aware of whom we are speaking. Just because he wears the moniker "Christian" doesn't mean he would be a good president. He was only a mediocre governor in Indiana. One of the main reasons he was chosen to be VP when Trump was running was to shore up the right wing conservative and Christian voters. Politics makes strange bedfellows. He has very little international clout and wouldn't be much better than what we have now in that area of service. 

Edited by BrotherTony
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2 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

I'm well aware of whom we are speaking. Just because he wears the moniker "Christian" doesn't mean he would be a good president. He was only a mediocre governor in Indiana. One of the main reasons he was chosen to be VP when Trump was running was to shore up the right wing conservative and Christian voters. Politics makes strange bedfellows. He has very little international clout and wouldn't be much better than what we have now in that area of service. 

I knew you would have to mention Trump. When I ask you not to. Christians do and become obsessed with Man. Be careful ?

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6 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I knew you would have to mention Trump. When I ask you not to. Christians do and become obsessed with Man. Be careful ?

There's no reasonable way to separate the two since Pence was his Veep. I am far from obsessed with the man.I am NOT a Trump fan... NEVER have been and never will be. Using the logic you just used as a veiled jab here, let's add this...some are doing nothing but constantly trying to cause dissention by complaining about everything and everyone. They're obsessed with creating problems where there are none, and they're constantly worried about what OTHER people are doing when those people are far outside their sphere of influence and accountability. Again, haloed emoticons don't excuse these kinds of things.

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3 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

The twitter X man strikes again, amazing. Can we imagine Trump, in the office again. Sad


Nothing "sad" about it at all. Your hatred of Trump seems to be right up there with that of Pelosi and Schumer. It's really bad that the Leftist Socialist Democrats feel like they have enough power to try and take away a candidate for the office of President. They're trying to up impede not only his ability to candidate, but also for his defense. Violating 1A rights is a tactic used by Putin, Xi Xinping, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. Are you sure you're not a Socialist Democrat operative?

I would rather have some crazy Tweets, a good economy, someone who is NOT trying to take away our 2A rights, and a thriving economy than someone who is only elected because they wear the moniker "Christian." 

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23 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Nothing "sad" about it at all. Your hatred of Trump seems to be right up there with that of Pelosi and Schumer. It's really bad that the Leftist Socialist Democrats feel like they have enough power to try and take away a candidate for the office of President. They're trying to up impede not only his ability to candidate, but also for his defense. Violating 1A rights is a tactic used by Putin, Xi Xinping, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. Are you sure you're not a Socialist Democrat operative?

I would rather have some crazy Tweets, a good economy, someone who is NOT trying to take away our 2A rights, and a thriving economy than someone who is only elected because they wear the moniker "Christian." 

Trump was the man, but not no more. He is not the only republican hope. He can kill somebody and people will still vote for him.  Sad

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12 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Trump was the man, but not no more. He is not the only republican hope. He can kill somebody and people will still vote for him.  Sad

Is that an allegation you can back up? If not, it's called "bearing false witness." And as it seems, Morales, Trump IS the frontrunner leading the other Republican candidates by double digits. There isn't another candidate running as a Republican that can defeat the machine running the election for Biden. 

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9 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Is that an allegation you can back up? If not, it's called "bearing false witness." And as it seems, Morales, Trump IS the frontrunner leading the other Republican candidates by double digits. There isn't another candidate running as a Republican that can defeat the machine running the election for Biden. 

I’m not sure if he can run for the position. According to the last thing I heard. I will have to check more into it. But if it’s true, it’s OK with me..

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