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Interacting with Love

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18 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

Being confronted by others who hold to different doctrines is not a problem. But I will admonish any Christian for unChristlike behaviour (Rom. 15:14 KJV), regardless of who they are, or whether or not they regard my teaching heretical.

It's a two way street my friend. 

I have many faults and I'm daily reminded about the following verses in my daily walk. 

Matthew 7:1-5 (KJV)  Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 

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On 5/1/2023 at 5:49 AM, BrotherTony said:

It was clear, even in our private conversations, that you were trying to make excuses about how when you were "quoting" a source, you didn't have to use the KJV....sorry...that just didn't cut it. So, apparently, you're not as "highly respectful" of protocol as you state you are. You've also been quite lacking in protocol towards not only the moderators here but the administrator as well from what I have seen. From what I've seen you've only "amended" your ways when you've been called on it by a moderator. 

I wonder how much longer you're going to try and make excuses for yourself?

For the record, this was my response to your private email:

"I have no problem with the rules, however, I'm not breaking the rules when the context in which I use other translations requires me to do so. If, for example, I quote someone using a different translation it would be false to change it. It would also make no sense to consider another translation in order to better understand the KJV or the original by not quoting it."

Firstly, you never responded to my email.  Secondly, if I'm wrong in this regard, I would prefer a moderator to correct me. For if Baptists take different positions on the Bible, which they do, then so might moderators on interpreting the application of the rules of the site. Again, I never intentionallydid anything wrong as you continue to accuse me of. I don't need to remind you of where the spirit of accusation comes from, do I?

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

For the record, this was my response to your private email:

"I have no problem with the rules, however, I'm not breaking the rules when the context in which I use other translations requires me to do so. If, for example, I quote someone using a different translation it would be false to change it. It would also make no sense to consider another translation in order to better understand the KJV or the original by not quoting it."

Firstly, you never responded to my email.  Secondly, if I'm wrong in this regard, I would prefer a moderator to correct me. For if Baptists take different positions on the Bible, which they do, then so might moderators on interpreting the application of the rules of the site. Again, I never intentionallydid anything wrong as you continue to accuse me of. I don't need to remind you of where the spirit of accusation comes from, do I?

Still trying to play the victim, I see. My private communication with you wasn't a reprimand, but a heads up on the rules. Even then you made excuses on how you could skirt the rules. I believe you'll find the moderators and administrators in agreement on the use of the KJV on these forums. But, you continue to show your true character and intentions, Robert. 

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22 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

It's a two way street my friend. 

I have many faults and I'm daily reminded about the following verses in my daily walk. 

Matthew 7:1-5 (KJV)  Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 

You're conflating the abusive accusational spirit of judgmentalism with robust confrontation that requires a godly form of judging. 

Again, Paul instructs us to admonish one another? (Rom. 15:14), and says "do not ye judge them that are within?"

His hands would have been tied and unable to write much in epistles if he understood judging to only ever mean the judgmentalism that Jesus referred to.

Edited by Dr. Robert S. Morley
"of" to "in the epistles"
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29 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Still trying to play the victim, I see. My private communication with you wasn't a reprimand, but a heads up on the rules. Even then you made excuses on how you could skirt the rules. I believe you'll find the moderators and administrators in agreement on the use of the KJV on these forums. But, you continue to show your true character and intentions, Robert. 

You are judging me by saying, "But, you continue to show your true character and intentions." God alone knows these. Has He made you privy to them? I don't mind being shown I'm wrong, but I don't care for your unChristlike behaviour.

My issue is not with your email, btw. I simply disagreed with you as to the application of the rules, concerning which I have respect and have remained willing to make amends.

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8 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

You are judging me by saying, "But, you continue to show your true character and intentions." God alone knows these. Has He made you privy to them? I don't mind being shown I'm wrong, but I don't care for your unChristlike behaviour.

My issue is not with your email, btw. I simply disagreed with you as to the application of the rules, concerning which I have respect and have remained willing to make amends.

You've continued to bluster and bloviate, and have shown your lack of Christlikeness in posting private communications to try and justify your bad behavior. There's no way I could ever take you seriously. This is a kind of thing we found in the Garden between the serpent, Eve, and Adam, which ended with Adam trying to justify his actions by deflection. Your offer to make amends, as you believe it to be, rings very hollow as there is no real substance to it. 

Edited by BrotherTony
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1 hour ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

You're conflating the abusive accusational spirit of judgmentalism with robust confrontation that requires a godly form of judging. 

It's all perspective, as your statement in itself is an accusation. What I've witnessed here is that when you do it, it's admonishing. When done to you, it's unloving.  Of course, it's opinions and we all have them. Nothing wrong or unloving about that. 


1 hour ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

Again, Paul instructs us to admonish one another? (Rom. 15:14), and says "do not ye judge them that are within

Again.... What I've witnessed here is that when you do it,  it's admonishing. When done to you it's unloving and unchristian.

1 hour ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

His hands would have been tied and unable to write much in epistles if he understood judging to only ever mean the judgmentalism that Jesus referred to.

Are you saying you understand what Paul understood without knowing him?

Nevertheless, Jesus understood judgement and can speak on that authority, that's why the verse I use was from Jesus himself. Since all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and given to us for daily help, it does apply. 

In case it was lost in communication, I have yet to come across anyone here that is against admonishing, it's just that if you dish it, you gotta be able to take it and not cry unloving and leave threads when things don't go your way. We see in Scripture that Jesus set that example for us that can be applied in our daily lives.. 

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1 hour ago, PastorMatt said:

It's all perspective, as your statement in itself is an accusation. What I've witnessed here is that when you do it, it's admonishing. When done to you, it's unloving.  Of course, it's opinions and we all have them. Nothing wrong or unloving about that. 


Again.... What I've witnessed here is that when you do it,  it's admonishing. When done to you it's unloving and unchristian.

Are you saying you understand what Paul understood without knowing him?

Nevertheless, Jesus understood judgement and can speak on that authority, that's why the verse I use was from Jesus himself. Since all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and given to us for daily help, it does apply. 

In case it was lost in communication, I have yet to come across anyone here that is against admonishing, it's just that if you dish it, you gotta be able to take it and not cry unloving and leave threads when things don't go your way. We see in Scripture that Jesus set that example for us that can be applied in our daily lives.. 

Yes, all Scripture is God-breathed. How we communicate often distinguishes whether it's judgmentalism or admonishing. Judgmentalism is often hidden, but certain words and statements are only ever judgmentalism.

For example, you judge again by saying "not cry unloving and leave threads when things don't go your way." You don't know my motives. You can only admonish what you know.

I left this thread to pray, and other threads when I had said enough. Jesus and His disciples often left environments that were not conducive for growth, or when the time allocated by the Spirit was enough.

Edited by Dr. Robert S. Morley
Removed a space
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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

You've continued to bluster and bloviate, and have shown your lack of Christlikeness in posting private communications to try and justify your bad behavior. There's no way I could ever take you seriously. This is a kind of thing we found in the Garden between the serpent, Eve, and Adam, which ended with Adam trying to justify his actions by deflection. Your offer to make amends, as you believe it to be, rings very hollow as there is no real substance to it. 

I publically posted my private communication to you after you made accusations regarding it.

Edited by Dr. Robert S. Morley
Added "publically" and changed "them" to "it"
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34 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

For example, you judge again by saying "not cry unloving and leave threads when things don't go your way." You don't know my motives. You can only admonish what you know.

I think this statement sums up what many here have seen. You say we don't know your motives (in which you are correct), but then make statements like starting this thread based upon thinking you know everyone else's motive and hearts (thus my statements earlier about me not being the Holy Spirit which seems to be ignored). 

To tell people not to do things and then go ahead and do those things themselves is not Biblical admonishment. This that's why I quoted Jesus directly on the issue to judge righteously in which our flesh and pride gets in the way many times.

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On 5/1/2023 at 5:49 AM, BrotherTony said:

 I'm speaking for myself here, but I may be speaking for some others as well...I know I would be interesting in reading some of your evangelistic postings. 

As per your request, I've posted an evangelistic message if mine on this site. It's titled, Are You Saved and Assured of Your Salvation?

It required some version changes to make it suitable, nevertheless, it's especially for you my brother.

I'll link another one here so you can find more if you're still interested:  Am I Going To Heaven?

Edited by Dr. Robert S. Morley
Removed excess quote
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1 hour ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

I publically posted my private communication to you after you made accusations regarding it.

You show a true lack of character, Christian or otherwise. You don't seem to be able to accept when someone has seen your true intentions and calls you on it. You come back with "unChristlike" or "unloving." You're still trying to justify bad behavior. I don't believe Christ would have done that. ??

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1 hour ago, PastorMatt said:

I think this statement sums up what many here have seen. You say we don't know your motives (in which you are correct), but then make statements like starting this thread based upon thinking you know everyone else's motive and hearts (thus my statements earlier about me not being the Holy Spirit which seems to be ignored). 

To tell people not to do things and then go ahead and do those things themselves is not Biblical admonishment. This that's why I quoted Jesus directly on the issue to judge righteously in which our flesh and pride gets in the way many times.

I admonished you and others because the judgmentalism is objectively evident to anybody who can read and I've given evidence to back it up. That's what I mean when I say you can only admonish what you know. 

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4 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

admonished you and others because the judgmentalism is objectively evident to anybody who can read and I've given evidence to back it up. That's what I mean when I say you can only admonish what you know. 

That's what I've been saying all along, took too long to get here. ? 

Btw: I haven't seen evidence, just assumptions of motives and options which we all have. 

It's a two way street my friend. 

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8 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

That's what I've been saying all along, took too long to get here. ? 

Btw: I haven't seen evidence, just assumptions of motives and options which we all have. 

It's a two way street my friend. 

I've pointed out objective evidence of your judgmentalism toward me. I cannot help you if you cannot recognise it it.

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