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Preachers Kids


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I have my own thoughts about this particular subject, but thought I would ask what others think about it.

The subject is preachers kids, supposedly being called to preach. Do you think their call is valid most of the time? Or may many of these be just the wishes of the parents, even to the point of them "grooming" their kids to be preachers?

There just seem to be so many preachers kids that also go on to be preachers, that it begs this question to be addressed.

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I am a God-called pastor.  I have two children, both sons.  One is now 27 years old, is called of the Lord our God to the ministry of the pastor, and is presently the assistant pastor of a church in Pennsylvania.  The other is now 22 years old, is called of the Lord our God to the ministry of the evangelist, and is presently in his senior year of college training for that purpose.  I most certainly DID train/groom my sons to be faithful servants of the Lord our God in their daily walk and in the Lord's ministry, just as all children should be.  I most certainly DID include my sons in the ministry work that the Lord our God has called us as a family, such that they ever observed the life and work of a pastor, both good and bad.  (Note: I DID let them see and know the negative side of pastoral ministry, as well as the positive.)  However, I very carefully did NOT "push" my sons to a call for pastoral/evangelist ministry.  Did I desire it?  Yes.  Did I pray for it?  Yes.  Did I ever communicate that directly to them.  NO!  Did they guess that their father might desire for them to follow in his footsteps?  Probably, even as most children probably guess such in relation to their own parents and their own parents' profession(s).  However, I very purposefully waited for the Lord to communicate His will unto my sons; and I very purposefully communicated to them in my parental training that they needed to follow God's will for their lives, whatever THAT might be.  In addition, when they communicated their thought that the Lord was calling them toward pastoral/evangelist ministry, I very carefully questioned them concerning that thought, in order to discern if their reason was truly from the Lord, or only from some emotional feeling.  I did this because I KNOW that emotional felling will NEVER sustain through the difficulties of pastoral/evangelist ministry, and that ONLY the Lord can sustain through those times.  I KNOW that if they pursue a pastoral/evangelist ministry that is not of the Lord, then they most definitely are on the path of failure; and I really, really, REALLY do not want my sons on the path of spiritual failure.  Now, do I believe that some are daddy called and mama sent?  Yes; and that is precisely what I was seeking to avoid in the upbringing of my sons.

Edited by Pastor Scott Markle
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I'm a third generation PK who was called to pastor. I can't ever remember one time in my life where my father or grandfather ever slightly pushing me or even talking to me to about pastoring someday. The main emphasis was whatever vocation God calls you in, stay faithfully in your local church.

I fought God's calling on my life for years, the only reason why it took so long was because I didn't want to pastor because my father pastored, God eventually got a hold of my heart and I surrendered my life to Him. Definitely did not do it for my parents. 

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My biological father used to be a Pentecostal evangelist before he and my mother divorced in 1963. My great uncle was an "Old Methodist" preacher/evangelist, and I have several cousins who are either Pentecostal, Methodist, Lutheran, or Non-denom preachers or evangelists. I am a lay preacher, but, I was never influenced by any of them to head in that direction. In fact, that was the last thing I ever wanted to be. I've pastored, been a youth pastor, and even a music leader. I have many friends who had pastors as parents (their parents were my friends as well) who are pastors, evangelists, college professors, missionaries, and the like. I've never known any of these to try and influence their kids to go into the ministry. One of these some of you might know....Phil Tharp who used to be the President of Midwestern Theological Seminary in Pontiac, MI. All of his sons are pastors if I recall correctly....Darren, Eric, and Rusty. I'm 100% positive their calls and mine were of the Lord. 


Edited by BrotherTony
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