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My Friend, Elise

Bouncing Bill

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Born in California, Elsie is  now 103 years old. Still sharp, a Christian, uses her computer, plays the piano. Elsie was in Hong Kong when the Japanese invaded. She escaped into China, walking most of the way and became an U.S. Army nurse in China. She is a neat lady. She served our country in WW II in India,  Kunming, China, and other cities in China. Chengtu is now spelled Chengdu. She knew Lin Yutang, who I have quoted. 


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Interesting...I had an aunt who was 107 3/4 years old when she passed. She worked the farm she and her husband owned and helped provide produce, eggs, and milk to her neighbors and community during WWII. She was active in church and drove up until just a few months before she passed away. Her mental faculties were intact all the way up until the end.  She and her brothers and sister grew up with Hogie Carmichael. My grandmother used to play the piano with him in their early years.

Edited by BrotherTony
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