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Contaminated Fruits


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Topic: Bad Doctrine ='s Bad Behavior.

Have you ever noticed that just about ALL false teachers have a rotten attitude? They seem to go in lockstep whenever this is brought to the fore.  For example: I heard an argument just today about Eternal Security over one famous passage in scripture used by Eternal Security proponents; it was dealing with John 10:27-29. This man wrote an entire book (almost 900 pages) supposedly "refuting" Eternal Security, and he began with John 10:27-29. He is an Arminian who teaches that Jesus' *sheep* in that passage can "willfully" remove him/herself from Jesus' hand. His argument was that the verb "pluck" (Grk. *harpazo*) is indicative of "seizing by force" -- which is the same word used in the famous *rapture* passage (1 Thess. 4:17) and others (cf. Matt. 11:12; 13:19; Jn. 6:15; 10:12; 1 Cor. 12:4; Jude 1:23; Rev. 12:5; et al.). I would have to absolutely agree with his assessment of that Greek verb. However, what he fails to realize is that the verb *perish* is in the aorist middle, which also makes this reflexive -- meaning that the grammar is telling us that the person himself (i.e., the one who is in "Christ AND the Father's hand") has no part in the "perishing" either. His warped view of "grace" was clouded with a self-righteous, "earn my way" to Heaven mentality.

It is biblical principle that rejecting the truth always results in accepting some substitute which is not the truth (Eph. 4:17-20). Bad and rotten fruits (e.g, "bad attitudes towards others") are often the results of bad and corrupt doctrine. Only by responding to the truth does the Spirit lead us. But if we are not responding to the Spirit we are following the flesh instead (Gal. 5:16-17). It is a common failing in the church-visible today to assume that membership in an organization "checks the box with God". The RC's believe this as a tenet. But non-RC's, even "churches" which were at least at one time composed of believers and probably still have believers today, have essentially jumped on that "nod to God" bandwagon. God is concerned with what we are learning of the truth, what we are believing, and what we are doing with that truth was have learned. Sadly, this man who teaches that Salvation can be lost will be among those mentioned in Matthew 7:21-23 if he refuses to repent of his false doctrine and repugnant behavior.

God Bless!

Edited by (Omega)
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Eternal life is not eternal life if it can end.

By definition.

If it can end, then it is not eternal.

Everlasting life is not everlasting if it doesn't last forever.

By definition. 

I am always amazed at how people ignore the actual words that God chose to use when he names something.

People can argue all they like about this aspect or that aspect - God calls "salvation life" by the names "everlasting life" and "eternal life".

I think He was trying to tell us something about the life He gives at salvation......


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