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Moved Directory

Pastor Matt

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I'm in the process of moving the forum directory from the home to the public_html (root) directory. You may notice a few links broken, and they will be fixed soon. You may need to update any bookmarks that you have.

Old Link: https://onlinebaptist.com/home

New Link: https://onlinebaptist.com

I apologize about any inconvenience this may cause, but it will help me as I grow online baptist by moving things into the root directory.


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When I browse on the phone, I will often scroll to the top and simply press on the blye panel with the words "Online Baptist - Independent Baptist Community".

This used to take me to the root of the forum list, where I could see the titles of each area.

Now when I do that it takes me to what I think is the "recent posts". This is not a real problem for me, it is just working differently to before.



I just realised that it is taking me to the "Home" panel, which is what I assume it is supposed to do......

Edited by DaveW
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On 5/16/2018 at 11:24 PM, DaveW said:

When I browse on the phone, I will often scroll to the top and simply press on the blye panel with the words "Online Baptist - Independent Baptist Community".

This used to take me to the root of the forum list, where I could see the titles of each area.

It does work a little different now because the forums are not the "Home" of the website. Seeing how the forums are not the home, but is the main aspect of the website, I'll see about changing that part. The home button would still go home, but the header text will go to the forums directory. I agree that browsing on a phone that is the best way to go.

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