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  • Baptism required for church membership

    I don't know how your church practices baptism, but in every church that I have joined, the candidate must present a public profession of faith. Then the pastor says, "Upon your profession of faith in Christ, I baptize you, my brother, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Buried in the likeness of his death and raised to walk in newness of life." Baptist churches have always admitted only regenerate members. Other institutional and state churches killed Baptists for this

    Joe Chandler
    Joe Chandler
    Biblical Issues 24

    Abortion supporters

    Abortion supporters, what a huge group of nonbelievers marching. I was wondering  we’re all these people off from work. I was amazed, to see so many men marching for Pro-Choice. My question, for how long will God bless America, the once God fearing Country. For now, it’s still the best place to live and to raise your family. If your home has an air conditioning, food on the table to eat, praise God. Most of the world don’t have this today.

    Relationships/Family 80

    What is "non-dispensational"??

    I just saw an IFB church's statement of faith that claimed to be "non-dispensational", and now I can't figure out what it means exactly. Everyone knows that there are "dispensations"... different ways God dealt with people at different times, so how can someone claim to believe the King James Bible and be "non-dispensational", unless I'm not understanding the definition of the word? (this is not a topic on Dispensational Truth.... so I don't intend for it to become a discussion about that, I j

    Guest Guest
    Guest Guest | 
    Biblical Issues 17

    How can I start a poll here

    It's not option, or I can not find it.

    General Chats 3

    The Bible mentioned nothing about women leading the world at the end of time

    From the Old Testament to the New Testament, we have seen that the man has always been the leaders, kings, and heads of household. What does the Bible say, about women’s role in leading nations, and countries in this world at end times? Will God, let a woman control this world, and why? 🌎  

    Biblical Issues 10

    Christmas Project 2024

    Last year, I started a new Christmas project for my friends and church family. I would like to try the same thing this year too, Lord willing. The project was to get those interested to submit to me what their favourite passages or verses are, and what theme they would most like a poem written for them to be about. Basically, I will take your ideas and favourite verses and put together into a poem specifically for you. Yes, I will share them with others (like on my website), if that is okay

    Writings and Poetry
  • The Word Easter (A Christian Etymology and Origin)

    Easter in Acts 12:4 is the only mention of this word in our King James Bible. While the context and historical Christian tradition clearly shows this word to be reference to the celebration of Christ's resurrection on the Sunday Morning just after the Passover week, many have attempted to paganize or confuse this reference for various reasons. In this lesson we strongly refute those errant ideas and show the clear Christian etymology and origin of the word and why we still gladly use this wonder

    John Young
    John Young
    Mary Meets Her Risen Lord (Easter Sunday - John 20) Pastor John Young Maranatha Bible Baptist Church 3

    How to keep Secrets (Proverbs 11:12-23)

    Knowing how to manage the secretes that you are entrusted with is very important and is not something to be taken lightly. Thier proper management can greatly help yourself and others. In this message we show the blessing of keeping secrets and also the dangers of mismanaging them. Proverbs 11:12-23 ~ Authorized (King James) Version 12 He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace. 13 A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a fai

    John Young
    John Young
    Learning Dark Sayings of Scripture (Proverbs)

    Critical Truths About The Scriptures Everyone Should Know

    Critical Truths About The Scriptures Everyone Should Know Introduction This message is entitled "Critical Truths About the Scriptures Everyone Should Know." These critical truths will be taught through an historical drama told from the Old Testament. The main characters of our historical drama are little known or not known at all. Allow me to introduce them to you. First, there is the prophet Jeremiah. He is sometimes called “the weeping prophet” because of his tears that he she

    DoctorDaveT's Sermons 2

    Are You Righteous or Wicked? (Getting in balance with God, Proverbs 11:4-11)

    When God balances the world on his scales of justice where will you be found? Will you be found without fault, or will you be found wanting? Will you be rewarded with the righteous or punished with the wicked? In this sermon we deal with these crucial questions and show how imperfect people such as us can not only be fond righteous but also thrive in holiness before God. We also show how we can influence our world for Good and have eternal benefits in the life to come rather than merely survivin

    John Young
    John Young
    Learning Dark Sayings of Scripture (Proverbs)

    My Poetry Books

    I have been wanting to put my poetry books together as ebooks or PDFs for a while now, but the methods I used before had their quirks - weird links and info on the sides or top and bottom of the books, and the format was often broken up when converted to PDF by someone's browser or ereader. Recently, I came across this website (printfriendly.com) that easily converts your documents or files to PDFs - basically just drag and drop, then rename the file as you'd like. One of the things I wa

    Jerry's Sermons 2

    Just Weights and Measures (In balance with God, Proverbs 11:1-3)

    Equilibrium with God and His ways in life and nature is crucial for lasting success. In this message we look at the importance of just weights and measures in everyday life and also the active involvement God has in approving and rejecting false balances in life. We also see the principle of true balance goes beyond the marketplace and is also part of a proper social and moral life with society and society's relationship with God. We see God requires that mankind must maintain a righteous and ju

    John Young
    John Young
    Learning Dark Sayings of Scripture (Proverbs)

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