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[BOOK] The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer


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The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer

Have you ever read Tozer? If Tozer truley lived what he writes in this book, then he was  a
modern day David, I don't know, God knows, I know he is inspiring. I've wanted to read this
book for more than 30 years. I should have read it long before now. I began reading the book
on line but had to have a copy in my hand. I read slowly on line until the copy I ordered arrived.

First of all don't look for his Baptist credentials, he has none. In his book, The Pursuit of God,
I found a man pouring out his desire to seek God "in spirit and in truth" more so than I ever have.
For that matter, I've yet to meet anyone independent and or fundamental who expressed more
eloquently yet plainly such a heart felt desire to draw close to the Lord.

I would recommned this book to any Christian. Don't shy away from this book. If "we would
see Jesus" and this is our ernest as well as honest desire then reading this book may help.
I believe it can help your desire to fervently "Search the scriptures" which testify of
Jesus Christ.

I heartily agree with the introduction comments particularly the prayers, “the prayers at the close
of each are for closet, not pulpit.” Personally, I felt Tozer pouring out his heart in earnest and mine
pouring out as well as I read each prayer.

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