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The flood of waters (Gen.7:6)


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I stand by my post as written.

Konstantine said, "I used maps and other evolutionist publications to prove what happened during the Flood. Some evolutionists argue that this has been happening for millions of years. All your charges have no basis." My charges are not 'baseless.'   When you use other peoples material you need to give credit (even when you do not agree with them), and you need to state your intention of why you used their material and what your full intentions are. Thus far you have been using "leading questions,"  undocumented material, an animation that supports evolution with no explanation. It has been extremely difficult understanding your intentions due to the questions that I asked.

Also, you have refused DaveW's honest questions.

Quite frankly, I, as with Dave, are still not sure of your full intentions. If you are sincerely using these materials to disprove evolution you need to start doing so. It is my hope that you will start using your material that you have presented to disprove evolution in a clear and precise manner. it is also my hope that you can document your sources (starting with the 'cubic dilatation'), a more throughout presentation on the mass of the earth (before and after the flood), and the source of the animation.)


Edited by Alan
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