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EU signs Rome Declaration


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Europe signs “the Rome Declaration” in hopes of globalizing a continent.  Twenty-Seven European leaders pledge their support of a modernized Europe in hope of a stable future. 

I was surprised by how many times the article pointed out that Europe has enjoyed sixty years of peace (four times) and Jean-Claude Juncker stated that in relation to past attempts to bring Europe together the recent sixty years is almost like “an eternal peace”. 

I believe this historical moment is merely a precursor for the world to push for peace in all corners of the globe.  Setting a precedent of peace (meaning no war) will soon be the rallying cry of those embracing a global community, global economy, global government and global laws. 

We should consider the players in this new global system that is being developed as we watch.  America will not be far behind and when we come on board we will be just one nation of many and not a world power.  We should take more interest in what is happening in Europe for we will be greatly impacted by what the European Union does in the future.

Europe established Young European Leadership council which annually invites the brightest minds of Europe to join their organization.  The purpose is to draw the future European leaders into open discussion with one another on a variety of topics and for all to hear current European leaders speak on those topics and then provide workshops to discuss what was spoken on.  Unity through shared ideas is a progressive message that they will buy into and carry with them into their future years.    

We are moving closer and closer to a collective young world view globally.  Simply follow how the world connects and you will realize that Millennials have great communication skills and though many are weak in maturity many are not and Europe is harnessing the skills of those who are mature for their future.

The global unification of the world is not just a pipe dream of Europe scripture is clear that in the last days there will be a one world ruler, a one world economy and a one world church and none of this bodes well for the world at large.  How will this global world come about?  It is my hypothesis that as man continues to eradicate the knowledge of God and the worship of God that man will turn more and more to his own intellect for answers believing he can do a better job than God. 

The culmination of this global mind set would be the following.  We get the best man out of 9 billion people to lead us and give him control of a global military, we get the best finance man out of 9 billion people to control the financial world and the global currency and we get the most charismatic leader in the world to head up the world church.  This hypothesis is not farfetched, simply look at what is happening in Europe today.  A global unity pushing a global peace asking the world to buy into their vision of peace, peace via a shared military, a shared currency and a shared religious world view.  All countries are welcome, all currency is welcome and all religions are welcome we just promote peace.  Does this sound euphoric?  

Keep in mind the bible warns of those coming days when the cry of the world and Israel will be peace, peace, “then sudden destruction shall come upon them”. 

Once again let me encourage you to stay abreast of what is happening in Europe it has ramifications for all the world.   



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Being a Brit I had the chance to vote in last year's referendum on Brexit.  I voted "Leave" and the UK will be leaving the EU in 2019.

Why did I vote Leave?  Because the EU is of the devil; the Strasbourg parliament building is modelled on the Tower of Babel and the designer was a strong humanist - that says it all really!

Back in the 1980s I was speaking with a Christian minister who predicted that we would eventually go back to being an independent sovereign nation.  At the time I thought it a remote possibility, but he was right.

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3 hours ago, The real Bob Hutton said:

Being a Brit I had the chance to vote in last year's referendum on Brexit.  I voted "Leave" and the UK will be leaving the EU in 2019.

Why did I vote Leave?  Because the EU is of the devil; the Strasbourg parliament building is modelled on the Tower of Babel and the designer was a strong humanist - that says it all really!

Back in the 1980s I was speaking with a Christian minister who predicted that we would eventually go back to being an independent sovereign nation.  At the time I thought it a remote possibility, but he was right.

I too voted to leave, for many reasons, but mainly because the scripture  says that the nations which succeeed the Roman Empire would never stick togethet being like iron mixed with miry clay. sometimes one would be strong and sometimes sea, and another would be strong.  Daniel 2.

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Further to my earlier comments:  I continue to be amazed at the hypocrisy of the "liberal left" in the UK who go on and on about how they support democracy, but have gnashed their teeth in rage against the result of the referendum. 

To be fair, most people who voted Remain have probably accepted it, and are willing to let the Prime Minister have a reasonably free hand in negotiating the best deal.  However, there are a number of die-hard Remainers who have been dubbed "Remoaners".  They have even produced a weekly newspaper called "The European" with the aim of overturning the result..  The new editor is Alistair Campbell who has vowed to stop Brexit.  Campbell was Tony Blair's press secretary when Blair was PM, and once famously remarked "we don't do God".  That gives you some idea of the type of man he is - an arrogant, godless and spiteful piece of work!  He needs our prayers that God would open his eyes and save him.

Edited by The real Bob Hutton
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15 hours ago, The real Bob Hutton said:

The new editor is Alistair Campbell who has vowed to stop Brexit.  Campbell was Tony Blair's press secretary when Blair was PM, and once famously remarked "we don't do God". 

I remember Campbell saying this.  He was asked when Pres. Bush always finished speaking by saying "God bless you." Blair didn't. It was then that Campbell answered "we don't do God". 


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21 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

Well, I hoped you all would vote to leave.

If we didn't we would have forever been under Germany.  

It is interesting that the latest meeting is in Rome.  The foundation document that set up the EEC, which later became the EU, was the treaty of Rome.  I saw a printed sermon some time ago where the author said that the EU was the invention of the Jesuits.  

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On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 6:59 PM, Invicta said:

If we didn't we would have forever been under Germany.  

It is interesting that the latest meeting is in Rome.  The foundation document that set up the EEC, which later became the EU, was the treaty of Rome.  I saw a printed sermon some time ago where the author said that the EU was the invention of the Jesuits.  

Our nation's time is still by God's forbearance alone. Many here have a renewed sense of national pride as I'm sure Britain does too but, one day they will be deceived as we all know. I can't help but believe that time is very short.

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52 minutes ago, 1Timothy115 said:

Our nation's time is still by God's forbearance alone. Many here have a renewed sense of national pride as I'm sure Britain does too but, one day they will be deceived as we all know. I can't help but believe that time is very short.

1 Timothy, we need to be very careful that "national pride" does not become nationalist fascism, or America could find herself, in conjunction with the political extreme left, in the same situation as Germany 70 years ago. 

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9 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

Our nation's time is still by God's forbearance alone. Many here have a renewed sense of national pride as I'm sure Britain does too but, one day they will be deceived as we all know. I can't help but believe that time is very short.


8 hours ago, Orval said:

1 Timothy, we need to be very careful that "national pride" does not become nationalist fascism, or America could find herself, in conjunction with the political extreme left, in the same situation as Germany 70 years ago. 

As far as the Father is concerned the U.S.A. is just another one of the isles, another part of His creation. It will burn with a fervent heat too. Not to worry Orval none of us trusting in the Blessed Hope are putting any hope in a president or prime minister. My only prayers regarding Trump is he gets saved and lasts long enough to get at least one SCOTUS justice in place.

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24 minutes ago, 1Timothy115 said:


As far as the Father is concerned the U.S.A. is just another one of the isles, another part of His creation. It will burn with a fervent heat too. Not to worry Orval none of us trusting in the Blessed Hope are putting any hope in a president or prime minister. My only prayers regarding Trump is he gets saved and lasts long enough to get at least one SCOTUS justice in place.

I certainly agree with getting a supreme court justice who is conservative, in place. 

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I realise this isn't a "political" forum but, given that the subject of Brexit has been raised (and this will affect the US as our 2 countries will sign a jumbo trade deal), and given that mention has been above of one Alastair Campbell, I append below 2 extracts from "Good morning Britain" where Campbell and NIgel Farage (the most vociferous anti-EU campaigner in the UK) faced off in a fierce exchange.

Fasten your seat belts, this is a real humdinger!


This is even better!!


Edited by The real Bob Hutton
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Alistair Campbell was Tony Blair's press secretary.  After Blair visited Bush a journalist asked why Bush always says "God Bless You," why didn't Blair.  Campbell said "We don't do God".  But I noticed in those interviews that he said, "For God;s sake,"

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Poor Nigel (and I like him), he could hardly get a word in edgewise with that Alastair chap breaking in and attempting to talk over him. Brother Orval is correct, it's much like US politics, but the US is even WORSE because there are very few "news" agencies that actually allow both sides to be heard. It's very one-sided (liberal, sadly) here.

The sad part is that we USED to be able to have discourse, an actual discussion wherein BOTH sides were heard. Now days the left doesn't want to even ALLOW conservatives to speak. The want a monologue (all leftist, of course). For some reason (here in the states) most leftists think freedom of speech only applies to anyone who agrees with them. Orderly society will soon be a thing of the past... the perilous days are upon us, the devil is working overtime attempting to censor and squash true free speech.  It's all appears to be terribly depressing until we realize that even though things appear to be falling apart, they are actually falling into place... the way God's word foretold. 


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