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Child killer dies in Ulster gaol.


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Child killer Robert Black dies in Northern Island prison.

Here is an interview with the mother of one of his victims.  This is a truncated version of the interview on the main news today.


On the news the husband also spoke, saying one of his sons wrote to the killer, urging him to repent, and his other son sent him a bible.  He added that he wished Black had repented and gone to heaven but that he showed  no remorse and he feared he was in the depths of Hell.

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The mother stated she wished that Robert Black could have had what she and her family had (salvation in Jesus I assume, though she wasn't entirely specific)
The husband was more specific in the regard that he (Black) hadn't repented and showed no remorse, but I don't think we can conclude the Mr. Black died in his sins since we don't know if he accepted Jesus for salvation prior to death (only God knows)

I believe ANYONE (whosever will) can come to Christ and accept Jesus perfect atoning salvation.
(including murderers, as even Paul was consenting of murder prior to his Damascus road experience) 
God can use the vilest and lowliest of mankind to serve as a vessel for His plans.

But if Black didn't accept salvation (and since we are not God and don't truly KNOW for certain that this Black fellow didn't accept Christ right before his death), but if he didn't... God has a specific (and I imagine much more fitting) punishment for those who would harm children. It would have been better for that man to have a millstone hung about his neck and drowned in the depths of the sea.

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