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Senior citizen? No, I'm too young.


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I'm a senior citizen! I'm only 61 and will be 62 later this year. How could I be a senior? Should we have a separate forum where you have to show proof of age to get in? [just kidding] The restaurants would tell me I've been a senior for 6 years already. I know, I ask about discounts at restaurants and they explain if I'm 55 years or older, I'm a senior. If the restaurants are willing to reduce their profit for me to eat then I must be a SENIOR!. What now? I still remember where my truck keys are but, probably because I always leave them in the same place.

I'm a Christian Senior, I read and study my Bible, I pray often throughout the day, I'm active in my local church, I have an active ministry through door-to-door witnessing, ushering, greeting, teaching Sunday School. I don't feel senior-ish on the spiritual or mental side, maybe the physical side from time to time. It takes me longer to do things than when I was 40 or 50.

Should I be attending the senior's group at my local church? How can I best continue to serve the Lord? How can I encourage others (we seniors) to remain active in serving the Lord? What do I need to hear to encourage me? What do seniors talk about when they're not talking about children, grandchildren, and doctor visits?

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I am a senior too and its not so bad.. just think what its like for the younger people in this day and age... 

​So far, it's great! My wife is not in as good of shape as I so, there isn't a lot of outreach she is capable of.  But, what now? I would add a question to my original post... How can I best relate the experiences God has provided to the younger folks both lost and saved? If I sit down beside them on a bench at Walmart and begin to talk about the Lord, will they think I'm a demented old lecher? How do I reach out to them? 

Any other seniors out there with experiences witnessing to teens and young adults? Website recommendations?

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Should I be attending the senior's group at my local church? How can I best continue to serve the Lord? How can I encourage others (we seniors) to remain active in serving the Lord? What do I need to hear to encourage me? What do seniors talk about when they're not talking about children, grandchildren, and doctor visits?  Bowel movements? Back pain? The "Good Old Days"?

​I am approaching that time-at 51, still too young for the senior menu, but that's okay-that wouldn't fill me for the most part. Though I wouldn't mind the cheap coffee, but still gotta wait a few years.

It is weird to get older-you never really think of yourself as 'old'. I think it began to really sink in, though, when young, attractive women no longer treated me like some creepy older guy who might be making the moves on them, and rather, as a harmless older gentleman who says funny, old-man things. And while I am in no way a 'flirt', I actually COULD flirt outrageously, and would still just be thought of a 'cute', but not in the way I always wanted to be when I was younger.

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I don't think of myself as old at 76. Many years ago I told my sons I would admit to being middle-aged when they could beat me at table tennis - I still play a powerful game with good mobility. I won gold & bronze during the 2012 Olympics. 

We don't talk about football, nor those weird American sports, I talk TO children. 

At church people may talk about the hymns & music I have chosen - or they want to choose, Scripture interpretation, even my peculiar diet - as I refuse all the cakes & biscuits on after after the service. 

I belong to a choir, so again conversation there includes music & general "friend" matters.

When all else fails, my wife & I converse about family, domestic matters & garden, Bible interpretation. 

I do have some solitary activities - music practice, theological discussion on IFB, number puzzles - not good at cryptic crosswords.

Now, what do we do in our spare time? Grandchildren figure there - No. 13 is due in July & apart from the older ones, we have 2 toddlers & a baby. Also I've got some revision for GCSE exams - my 60-70 y-o maths is still in demand. 

We daren't grow old! What would our children & church do? 

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