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Television - Is it growing moral decay in the USA?


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I don't have time to get them all but here is what started this thread...I hope you don't mind Potatochip :)

"Television is the one thing people have an addiction for they can't get rid of.  I got rid of it.  I won't watch it.  lol.  Haven't for about oh 7 years.  I flipped through recently out of curiosity.  The stuff that was on there.  I just put it back.  Evil moves in slowly.  Telling you hey a little of this and that won't hurt and gives you a reason.  Bad news this stuff is moving in.  Good news.  I'm getting old."

I have to answer the thread question in the affirmative. But, this needs to be torn apart and dissected. How it has worked in the past, what it has accomplished, how it is working now, and what are the obvious and not so obvious results of it's insertion into our homes. 

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If a person simply looks at the homosexual aspect there is a clear trail from "groundbreaking" and "bold" programs which first introduced positive, openly "gay" characters, to how many others eventually have done so and how it spread from Soap Operas to sit coms to shows geared toward young audiences (such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer which turned a main character into a lesbian in the shows 3rd season) to now where childrens programing features open homosexuals positively and anyone opposed to such as mean, ignorant, bigoted, hateful.

The same sort of thing in terms of divorce, adultery and casual sex which came years earlier paved the way for the inclusion and promotion of homosexuals.

Lucy and Dezi, married in real life and on their TV show weren't allowed to be seen sleeping in the same bed together. Now prime time shows allow unmarried couples to not only be in bed together, but to show almost everything.

Jennie on I Dream of Jennie couldn't show her belly button but not many years later that and much more was allowed to be shown.

So many of the words that were once censored from movies on TV are now allowed to be used on regular TV programs. The censoring of new movies is very limited and done in such a way it's obvious what words are said or when nudity is involved they blur part of the nudity but only as little as they must.

Reality programs are filled with lust, booze, unmarried sex, foul language and all this gains high viewer ratings.

Since we don't watch much TV, and what we do watch we are careful about, it's actually shocking at times what I see when at someones home, or even in a waiting room with a TV, what they show and say and talk about on TV with children present and during what used to be family hours.

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So, Satan is finding a way to desensitize people around the world through an open invitation into the home. What results could this 'programming' groom people for in the present and the future besides homosexuality? I can think of something off the top from the other day. Depopulating the world through selective murder.

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