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A Business Solution to Homosexual Wedding Issues


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Rev. C.J. Conner of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Dodge City, Kansas, has a brilliant answer to the dilemma Christian businesses face when asked to provide services for same-sex weddings.

His solution?

Rather than risking a lawsuit, or simply eliminating wedding services altogether—as some businesses have done—bakers, florists and other Christian businesses should contract their wedding services exclusively with churches.

It’s a simple, elegant solution to a complicated problem. By contracting with churches to provide wedding services exclusively to their congregations, businesses would avoid the pitfalls of discrimination charges. While Rev. Conner claims that such contracts would be difficult to challenge, even at the Supreme Court level, he emphasized that they would need to be “exclusive and binding.”

“We can’t trust our government to protect the rights of Christians, or just the right of any individual not to be forced to violate their deeply held convictions,” he said, “and so we have to be a little bit smarter.”

Both the business and church would be supported, and the individual’s religious freedom protected without any legal repercussions.  If the business was bound by a contractual agreement with the church, it could continue to provide other services to the general public on a daily basis, while being contractually shielded from providing wedding services to those not affiliated with the contracted church.


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Very good idea Rev. Conner! Put the clause in the contract if for any reason you change your by-laws or statement of faith and doctrines the contract is null and void.

@ThePilgrim I know your playing the 'governments' advocate just don't contract with homosexual churches. Make their by-laws/statement of faith the basis for the contract.

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I dunno freedom of religion and speech.  Especially speech is really great in the country.  We have those things.  I speak from experience.  I can stand on a sidewalk with a bullhorn and preach the Gospel for hours and hours.  No one can say anything about it.  As long as its public property.  Ruling after ruling upholds this.  Know your free speech rights.  No one can violate them.  Not the police.  Not anyone.  True and tested.  Some people aren't sure of that. lol.  I say that because I was at a huge festival yesterday.  In the city.  Right at the sodomite district.  There was a lot of families going to the festival from the burbs.  To that park.  My friend was on the bullhorn for about 4 or 5 hours.  Thousands passing by.  Some didn't like it.  However there is no veto power over free speech.  (court ruled).

That said. lol now for some hypocrisy.  I guess that's what it is I sure can't figure it out.  Shawn, Rush etc.  I never heard them say anything about this.  They generate advertising revenue with listeners and sensationalism anyway.  Its their job.  This takes the cake lol.  You can't discriminate when doing wedding lol.   However no blood bank.  Be it in front of Wal-mart.  On a college campus.  Red cross etc.  Will accept sodomite blood.  Be it for pay or donated.  Which makes my former point.  Sodomites are a public health risk. 

I guess that's discriminatory.  I dunno in this whacko world.  What it is anymore. Students on college campus actually protested that fact as discriminatory.   Thanks Rush and Shawn etc.  Sodomites and prostitution have been outlawed in the country since its inception.  Not because of religion.  Because it spreads disease.  It's a public health matter always has been.  County health departments the NIH formerly now CDC exist because of that partially.  You get HIV you have it for life.  Its the gift that keeps on giving with sodomites.  I am sure.  Fighting over religion.  Which in congregations we all know its sin.  Is just that fighting over religion in the public.  Which a lot of them don't understand the things of God with the natural mind. 

Rush, Shawn etc.  Aren't preaching the Gospel.  The general public see's victims of discrimination.  Well we got victims now in a way the public,  might have understood.  If it was voiced.  In that.   Its the government's duty to protect the public. From disease-std's.  Which sodomites are the primary carriers of. 

Edited by Potatochip
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Have you ever seen signs in businesses which says they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone? While these don't hold the same weight they once did, prior to federal government encroachment businesses were free to do business with whoever they wanted and free to deny their services to whoever they wanted for whatever reason they wanted.

There is nothing in the Constitution which declares businesses must provide their services to anyone and everyone.

There is a black owned diner in DC which only serves blacks. Everyone around there knows this so no one but blacks go there. A news crew sent a white person in, filming them undercover, and other than ugly looks towards the white person, the owner and his workers ignored him, even when he tried to order. Eventually the white person left unserved.

Personally, that doesn't offend me in the least. I believe a business owner should be able to do business or refuse business as they choose.

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