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From John C. Wright:


"There is an old Chinese legend of a golden scroll on which the secret of human happiness was written; and sages and warlords, merchant-princes and emperors sought the scroll with fervor. When found, they saw the secret of the scroll consisted of one ideogram printed over and over, an ideogram they could not read. However, there was a beggar girl who could read the mysterious word.
If you know that word, then you know the secret of human happiness.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for three reasons: first, it drives the Leftists crazy because it is a clearly and openly Christian holiday in the midst of a society they are fervidly attempting to dechristianize; second, it drives Leftists crazy because it is a holiday based on a historical fact, namely, Indian and Pilgrim cooperation, which flips the middle finger at the Leftist preferred narrative about non-civilized White men committing malign genocide on the non-savage Red men; and finally and most of all, it drives the Leftists crazy because the concept of being thankful, of feeling gratitude, of thanks for benefits never to be repaid, is utterly alien to their way of thinking and their way of life.
One benefit that accrues to the Christian, even if all of history, logic, and revelation should turn out to be false, and God a myth no more real than GlOBal Warming, nonetheless, is that we Christian men feel gratitude toward our Creator for the infinite gift of creation. A nOBle pagan can indeed receive a gift in his stockings at Christmas, and be grateful to the giver, but a Christian can feel grateful for the legs he puts into his stockings each morning, and the world on which he walks.
The Left does not give thanks, not to anyone, human or divine, past or present, not for any reason.
Why not?"
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Sure they do:


They thank Darwin for enlightening them with evolution


They thank Margaret Sanger for bringing them freedom to kill their unborn children


They thank Marx for introducing their favorite Ten Planks


They thank Muslims for their religion of great peace, which, if everyone just accepted it, they would stop being butchered.


They thank OBama for their new neighbors that he just made legal, as well as their patron saint, NIMBY, who will keep them living somewhere else.

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I can believe they quote those in your list.  I believe they think those in the list were or are intelligent human beings.  But does that equate to being thankful?

Leftists only use the writings or sayings of the people mentioned to excuse their actions, to justify themselves.  

Thankful?  No, not really.  Being thankful requires the ability to think beyond oneself . . . . the ability to believe that people can do something for someone else without it benefitting themselves . . . . selflessness.

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I can believe they quote those in your list.  I believe they think those in the list were or are intelligent human beings.  But does that equate to being thankful?

Leftists only use the writings or sayings of the people mentioned to excuse their actions, to justify themselves.  

Thankful?  No, not really.  Being thankful requires the ability to think beyond oneself . . . . the ability to believe that people can do something for someone else without it benefitting themselves . . . . selflessness.

Indeed, rabid Leftists are opportunists willing to use the ideas or work of anyone that might advance their own personal agenda. They may be glad others have done some of the work for them but I doubt they are actually thankful.


Those Mike listed are certainly in the Leftist "Hall of Fame" and they look to such as celebrities and useful tools or causes to meet their agenda but rabid Leftists are too narcissistic to be truly thankful toward others.

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