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Guest 1Timothy115

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Have you ever heard this commercial break into the Beatle's popular song "Imagine?'



"A value is worth more when we Pass It On®"


"We believe people are basically good but sometimes just need a reminder."


What is the silence of Christians passing on?

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This isn't about some misguided lost person's song. It's about you and I not doing what we should be as ambassadors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please don't dumb down the message. Take the Gospel to a population being bombed with the message of secular humanism.

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From what I've read here it seems that's what we are doing. This is why our message stands out from that of most professing Christians. This is why we are called narrow minded, intolerant, mean spirited, prejudiced, bigoted and other unsavory things.


Even so, we do indeed need to keep this point ever in our minds to be sure we remain true.


Today in Sunday school we were in 2 Timothy and our pastor pointed out that if we would remember the first charge Paul gave to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2, "Preach the Word", we would do well. While secular and watered down Christians all around limit or avoid the Word, especially the "hard parts", we are called to "preach the Word". It's not our jOB to get someone into church, we can't get them saved, but we are called to "preach the Word" and that's what the lost and saved alike need to hear, the Word preached.

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