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Apart from sharing funny accents, what do the Ozzies and the South Africans have in common that would cause them to yoke up?

We can both beat the fluff out of any northern hemisphere rugby team.... (and get beaten by the Allblacks - but they beat everybody)
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We already know various powers have attempted to unite Europe under them, and that work continues today under the guise of the EU.


Even those outside Europe have hoped to conquer Europe and unite it under them; most notably Muslims; who ironically are doing a better jOB today through mass immigration and high birth rates than they did through centuries of war.


Some have wanted to unite Asia; with the Japanese of the WWII era prOBably familiar to most. Currently China is working on it's version of this.


European powers fought for centuries over Africa in an attempt to control the continent.


England, France and America grappled over control of what is currently the USA and Canada.


Spain, and others, fought to dominate central and South America. France tried to grasp Mexico.


While most of these have been military adventures for control. The current approach is for regional economic zones. Whether these will come forth or last and how that might play out is yet to be seen.


The prOBlems within the EU and issues regarding NAFTA point to the difficulties of such; but also point to possibilities.


What remains a major barrier to these is the more powerful nations wanting to have control themselves. America, China, England, Russia; for example.

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