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Crying Christians Or Beggars....

The Glory Land

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Those that go around crying in need all the time, with their hands hold out. Taking advantage of the nice members. To see what they can get out of them. Did you know that their are crying pastors out there too. Every time they need something, they will say it from the pulpit, something like this. I almost did not make it to church today, I am driving on bald tires. This means, he looking for someone to buy them for him. You know, I don't mine helping, but when they are well paid for serving, they should buy the tires or what ever them self. This is in my opinion, what do you think?.



sounds like members do not follow


 Ga 6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.


This form of giving is not taught because it would mean the teacher has to rely on the body of Christ to give to him.  and many do not give in this way.  And they fear they will only get what is needed not what they want.


What is all good things?


Surely it would have been different in Paul's time.  But today the good things would include Apple Iphone or Samsung Android with monthly service, a good car (not a junker car) with Good Tires.  Good clothing not necessarily name brand but good clothes.  Good food not just cheapy chef boyardee ravioli in a can, but Virgina salted hams, steaks, fresh good fruits and vegetables as well.  A good computer, a good house.


These are some of the good things today those who are being taught the word should be sharing (one meaning of the broad word communicate) with those who spend their time studying the word of God so they can teach those who are to share with him.  Today it does not mean just the pastor.  It would include the Sunday school teacher, the traveling evangelist or preacher, the young people's pastor, etc etc etc.

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From what I've seen over the years, if a pastor preaches NT giving and he has a congregation of saved Christians, they are not lacking in funding.


One problem some pastors/churches have is wanting to get ahead of the Lord or do something without consulting the Lord. It may be in the Lord's will, for example, that a church build an addition to the church building, but it may be the Lord want's the funds saved over time to do this rather than for the pastor to push and demand everyone give and then give some more, and then go into debt to build the addition ahead of God's schedule.

It's like radio preachers who carry on that they won't be able to get on more stations if they don't get lots of donations. Have they ever considered perhaps it's not the right time to try to get on other stations if the Lord hasn't provided the means yet?

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From what I've seen over the years, if a pastor preaches NT giving and he has a congregation of saved Christians, they are not lacking in funding.


One problem some pastors/churches have is wanting to get ahead of the Lord or do something without consulting the Lord. It may be in the Lord's will, for example, that a church build an addition to the church building, but it may be the Lord want's the funds saved over time to do this rather than for the pastor to push and demand everyone give and then give some more, and then go into debt to build the addition ahead of God's schedule.

It's like radio preachers who carry on that they won't be able to get on more stations if they don't get lots of donations. Have they ever considered perhaps it's not the right time to try to get on other stations if the Lord hasn't provided the means yet?

and how do you rightly divide again?


Do you ever find anything about buildings (other than the body of Christ liken to one) in the NT?


the scriptures are very clear hot the body of Christ is to give. The word Bounty is the treasure.  That is the money you bury away for a rainy day.  You are not to give until all your bills are paid (Chrsitan witness is one who is debt free), and then from your bounty (that which you put away) then you chose to give in a chearful way.  If they are giving hoping to get more from God that is covetous giving and if they are not to give in a grudginly matter (where there is an internal struggle in giving).  Nor are they to give if a man is crying there is a necessity (you got a give or we can't get more radio or TV stations or any other style.)  Giving is to be from a cheerful heart.


2Co 9:5-7 Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren, that they would go before unto you, and make up beforehand your bounty, whereof ye had notice before, that the same might be ready, as a matter of bounty, and not as of covetousness.   ¶ But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.   Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

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