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Admin You Need To Put A Mobile App...

The Glory Land

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TapaTalk is the mobile App that we use. Unfortunately it stopped working in the last software update so I have to update it. It is on my todo list


Nice new Picture you have, I am going to miss the star trek Captian version you had...


  :eye:  :eye:



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I like  Hangouts. 

Yeah, different program, but still cool.

Missed the November 22nd Hangout.  What happened?

We will do it again. I ended up moving that week so we will have to reschedule it for another time. 

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We will do it again. I ended up moving that week so we will have to reschedule it for another time. 

Oh?  Closer to Mississippi?

I do recall you saying you'd like to meet "Standing Firm In Christ".  lol

Lack of finances prevent my ability to travel, (that, and the fact that for some strange reason Mississippi frowns on blind people behind the wheel of a vehicle) but I also would one day hope to meet you.

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Oh?  Closer to Mississippi?

I do recall you saying you'd like to meet "Standing Firm In Christ".  lol

Lack of finances prevent my ability to travel, (that, and the fact that for some strange reason Mississippi frowns on blind people behind the wheel of a vehicle) but I also would one day hope to meet you.


You mean Mississippi discriminates against the blind & refuses to let them drive?

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Mississippi, Wow, four s's and four iiii sur.  :)

Four eyes?  You making a pun about my blindness?  ROFL

I was called "Four Eyes" many times in my younger days. 

Never bothered me.  Always bothered my twin sister to hear people call me that though.

In the sixth grade, I saw her run out of her classroom once and into mine after someone called me "Four Eyes".  The boy was six foot tall.  Didn't bother her at all.  She literally climbed up that young man and pounded on his head.

Was suspended for 3 days, but she didn't care.  LOL

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Nope, moved 2.2 miles away from where I currently was living at. :)  Anyways, I re-installed Tapatalk so that App is now working for mobile units. 

Where I live 2.2mi is all the way across town (if you live on the edge of town - otherwise it will put you out in the country)

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Four eyes?  You making a pun about my blindness?  ROFL

I was called "Four Eyes" many times in my younger days. 

Never bothered me.  Always bothered my twin sister to hear people call me that though.

In the sixth grade, I saw her run out of her classroom once and into mine after someone called me "Four Eyes".  The boy was six foot tall.  Didn't bother her at all.  She literally climbed up that young man and pounded on his head.

Was suspended for 3 days, but she didn't care.  LOL



I remember some doing that way back in my school days, I recall it happen right after they tested our eyes at school & two or three classmates started wearing glasses.


I often wonder if they changed, or still bent that way.

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