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Women Ruin Everything


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Sorry ladies.  I didn't think up the title but it fits the article and gets attention.  I get into trouble in my family and acquaintances on the subject of schooling so I might as well get in trouble here too.   :hide:




God bless,


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Good article. I agree. But I know the soft feminization of public schools will never end. It only gets worse. And I like how the article called every male expression a 'disorder'!

But it's not just the schools, it's a home too. Most homes don't have a good father figure or a father. Lot's of step-dads, not bashing ALL step-dads but most aren't going to spend the time with them if it isn't their biological child.

All female homes, female day care workers, female teachers, female after-school programs. Female Sunday school teachers. Female therapists.

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Interesting article. I thought of my time teaching while reading it.  I taught in Christian schools, but know that were I in a public school I would be the same.  And I sure don't fit what he described.   :nuts:


I do believe in order - both in the neatness of work handed in and an orderly classroom. But that stems completely from the Word of God, in which we are told to "let all things be done decently and in order."  That was actually the verse I used to teach my son to color inside the lines when he was learning how to color.  However, any homework I gave was pertinent and necessary to their academic learning.


And, boy - I made sure the boys played rough games (and no bike helmet for my son...).   :th_popout:  I was, after all, raised with brothers.  :bigshock:


One of the things I enjoyed about homeschooling was being able to focus on teaching what was truly important to learn.  

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