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Memorize Scripture


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I have been working on memorizing using the 25 20 15 10 5 1x/day for 45 days, 1x/wk for 7 weeks with a "key" verse from each book of the Bible. I want to expand that to start working on a book (and take it to another level). After discussion in another thread (and I have prayed a little about it) I'll be working on 1 John. This isn't my first time doing something like this (dropped off at some point each time since 1992).

(1) The goal ought to be eventually the whole Bible in my opinion. Thus, beginning with the end in mind, the system should keep that in mind. With 66 books in the Bible it makes sense to me to review 1 book/day for a 66 day review cycle. Because of 1 topical verse/book minimum I am guaranteed having something from each book to review each day. And I will give 4 non review days for an even 70 (exactly 10 weeks then).

(2) Consistent review needs to be in the system (see (1)).

(3) 260 chapters in the New Testament at 1 chapter per week GIVES EXACTLY 5 years for the New Testament. I don't know if it will be possible but my first goal will be 1 John in 5 weeks (since it has 5 chapters).

(4) Someone posted on the internet that a 90 year old Bible College teacher who seemed to have memorized most of the New Testament went over a 15 minute passage 50 times. Thus, I will attempt to listen (I have 2 complete free audio KJ Bibles free from the internet) to each chapter 50 times and see where I stand.

(5) Thru The Bible (J.V. Mcgee) is not King James but the free mp3 files are a complete commentary on every book of the Bible so I will try to listen each week to the part that corresponds to the chapter.


I'm afraid that won't be enough ... I'll probably have to break this down into very small pieces ... so I don't see how to make 1 chapter a week work ... but it would be the perfect pace :scratchchin:


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