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Public Schools 'celebrating' Lgbt History Month


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Public Schools 'Celebrating' LGBT History Month


What are your kids studying in school today? Public schools from California to Florida are celebrating LGBT History Month, where they highlight a homosexual or lesbian each day. Thursday, America’s schoolchildren learned about Edward-turned-Gwen Araujo, who was intimate with men who allegedly beat him when they discovered he was not a woman.


“If parents think our schoolchildren should be focused on science and math, not sex and murder, they need to talk to teachers, principals and school boards to ensure that this program is stopped,” cautions Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel.


“The sexual assault on our children is mind-boggling,” Staver adds.


Earlier this week, Staver was in federal court in New Jersey challenging the new law that bans minors in the Garden State from receiving counseling to overcome unwanted same-sex sexual attractions, behavior or identity. Liberty Counsel has already challenged a similar law in California. Washington, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia have introduced like measures that insert the government between the client and the counselor.


“Parents and concerned citizens must stand up to protect our children,” says Staver. “Enough is enough! The innocence of our children is under assault in the public schools. Parents and concerned citizens must stand up and demand that public schools focus on the essentials of learning and not become vehicles of a sexualized agenda.”



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As it was in the days of Lot...

Good point, which also brings up a good question!


Are we going to be like Lot and mingle with them, allowing our children to be taught and indoctrinated in their ways, or are we going to be like Abraham and separate ourselves from such and have our children taught biblically, away from such wickedness?

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