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Report Alleges Fox News Is Bowing To Gay Agenda


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Shep's on Fox but he's always been a Democrat and a liberal.  I grew up watching him on local news when I was a youngster, WSVN I think.  When I used to watch Fox, every once in a while his liberal side would expose itself with comments or slants.

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Shep's on Fox but he's always been a Democrat and a liberal.  I grew up watching him on local news when I was a youngster, WSVN I think.  When I used to watch Fox, every once in a while his liberal side would expose itself with comments or slants.

I used to watch the Fox Report, which Shep heads, when Fox first came out. Shep reported what the teleprompters said, but even back then whenever he gave his own commentary or made a side comment, some of what he said was of a liberal leaning. The same is true for many, if not nearly all of those on Fox News today.


The most truly conservative minded reporters have all long since been moved out the door, often for "offenses" that were they the opposite, would have advanced the career of liberal reporters.


The "big conservatives", Hannity and O'Reilly are not even close to being true conservatives. They are neo-cons at best. O'Reilly has even made it a point to say he's not a conservative yet millions of so-called conservatives across the land look up to him and hang on his words.


Fox News only appears conservative when compared to the mainstream media, but that's only because the mainstream media is full blown open about their liberalism while Fox News is more subtle and allows some neo-cons to speak.


When it comes to true, traditional conservatism, it won't be found on Fox News any more than it will be in the mainstream media.

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Interesting. Coming from Mormonism I can say that when Glenn Beck speaks about Christianity it's basically how all Mormon's speak about it. Just like any other Christian. Of course when you gear towards more of the evangelical and IFB there tends to be the charismatic excitement incorporated. I'm sure most of you have never attended a Mormon sacrament meeting (Sunday church service) it's like being at a funeral. I remember years ago when I first went to an IFB church my goodness I almost had a heart attack. It was the craziest thing I had ever seen but it definitely stirred the spirit in me to attend now and then over the years. 


I guess I'm being bias because I have experience in the LDS community but I think most genuinely believe what they are saying when they speak about Christ and Christianity. All believe they are Christians just like everyone else and they don't view themselves as anything else. Sometimes when my IFB pastor or friends come over we go on for hours because they just don't see it how the LDS see it. The LDS don't see themselves as not being Christian.


With that said Beck could be genuine in what he is saying because he believes it. Whether we believe it or not is an entirely different thing.


Interesting, early on I watch his quite often, yet I never heard him say anything that points towards him having repented, confess his sins, accept Jesus as Savior. All I heard from him was pure Mormon rhetoric.


And yes, he may well truly believe what he speaks, yet if that's what he truly believes he will be in much trouble when that day comes. there's only one way, not two, not three, not several.


Besides, Mormons believe in a completely different Jesus, they do not discuss the Jesus of the Bible, they speak of one that is not spoke of in the pages of the Bible.

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Interesting, early on I watch his quite often, yet I never heard him say anything that points towards him having repented, confess his sins, accept Jesus as Savior. All I heard from him was pure Mormon rhetoric.


And yes, he may well truly believe what he speaks, yet if that's what he truly believes he will be in much trouble when that day comes. there's only one way, not two, not three, not several.


Besides, Mormons believe in a completely different Jesus, they do not discuss the Jesus of the Bible, they speak of one that is not spoke of in the pages of the Bible.

It's kind of like how some Catholics know enough to talk as some Christians do, they know enough of the Bible to speak about it, they believe what they read in the Bible, they believe themselves to be Christians, but they are not born again in Christ.


I've heard Beck speak about the Bible and Christianity and he talked a good talk. If a person didn't know he was a Mormon they would have no reason to suspect he was. What Beck said was in accord with the Word. However, the biblical saving Gospel wasn't part of what he talked about.


Even a few Christian preachers who announced they believed Beck is a saved Christian couldn't come right out and provide a testimony of his biblical salvation. Their claim of Beck being a Christian was based upon their talks with Beck, what they said about Beck understanding the Bible, speaking about Jesus, and basically stuff many worldly (but unsaved) Christians say or do.


One can know the Bible front to back and say they believe the Bible and can try to follow the Bible, but if they are not biblically born again in Christ they are as lost as any other lost person.

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My eyes opened when realizing that Beck was trying to create utopia here on earth, same as the Catholics, Communists and Muhammadens.  They ignore Bible truths that say the world will grow more wicked, the rapture of the church and Christ's return. 

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My eyes opened when realizing that Beck was trying to create utopia here on earth, same as the Catholics, Communists and Muhammadens.  They ignore Bible truths that say the world will grow more wicked, the rapture of the church and Christ's return. 

There are also Christians who believe that through their efforts the world will get better and better and then Jesus will return. Many of those involved in the radical abolitionist movement, especially in the Northeast, were of this sort and saw pushing a war against slave holders as part of what was necessary to make the world good enough for Christ to return. That's the backdrop for the "Battle Hymn of the Republic", not what most people think.

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