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Is The Gop Ready For Its Own Gay Candidate?


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Is the GOP ready for its own gay candidate?

(Video at link below)

Richard Tisei is running for Congress with an unusual resume. He's a Republican from Massachusetts who is pro-choice, openly gay, and in favor of gay marriage. And yet despite running diametrically opposed to where most of the party is on social issues, Tisei is considered by top Republicans to be one of the top GOP candidates challenging incumbents this election
"I consider myself a live and let live Republican. I think the government should get off your back, out of your wallet and away from the bedroom," Tisei says. On social issues he says the parties needs to "have advocates on both sides of the isle or you're never going to have true equality."
And Tisei is even willing to do something most Republican candidates for Congress never do - - same something positive about President Obama. Tisei praised Obama for saying his position on gay marriage has evolved and he now favors it.
"I'm glad he has evolved to the point right now. He went through the same process I think most Americans are right now. They're interacting with a lot of gay people and they're recognizing, you know, that everybody should be treated fairly under the law…. I think it was an important step and I'm glad that he did it," he says.
Tisei even thinks his fellow Massachusetts resident, Mitt Romney, might evolve on the issue of gay marriage, too.
"I think the country as a whole is. I mean everybody knows gay people now… and it's really broken down barriers and given people the chance to interact. I think most Americans are fair, and they understand that everybody should be treated equally under the law, and we shouldn't discriminate against anyone, and I do think that as time goes on that will be the majority view in this country."
But on economic issues like health care, Tisei is lock step with most Republican candidates.
"Definitely repeal it, I think it's a job killer….it's going to bankrupt the country." he said.
But he is in favor of the health care plan in Massachusetts that then-governmor Romney pushed through and that has many similarities to the Obama health care law passed by Congress. "What we did in Massachusetts isn't necessarily going to work in other states. Every state's different and I think Governor Romney's right, every state should be able to come up with their own solutions and ultimately that's what we're going to need in the country to solve some of the healthcare problems."


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It want be long, Mr. Romney fellow church members has come out in support of homosexual marriages, & I remember reading an article before Mr. Obama was elected that stated, "The republicans will have to break completely free of Biblical values if they ever going to have hope of winning the White House."

I might add, they may have to court all the illegal voters, right now those that are now living in the White House are surly courting the illegal voters in ever manner they can, trying to keep states from blocking any & all illegal votes.

We are in a time when evil is called good, & good is called evil, perhaps by the majority.

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America needs revival! Until they realize they are turning their backs on God, America will get worse and worse. If they would only understand this old nasty rotten flesh we have will eventually die and unless they have Jesus they will spend an eternity in the most horrible place there is! I don't know if we will ever get out of this nasty mess in America but one thing i do know is God has it already taken care of and HE wins in the end!

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God says he will "heal the land", when HIS PEOPLE, "called by His name" get right.

But we don't want to!!! It's so much easier to get involved in politics than it is to actually repent, spend serious daily time in prayer, to fast, to grow in Christ, to share the Gospel, to make disciples, to wait upon the Lord.

You are right that it's up to Christians as to whether or not America has a chance or will be crushed under the hand of God. Unfortunately, it seems most of us are unwilling to do what the Word says is necessary to help America.
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LOL isn't this being hypocritical of them wanting a gay candidate?

Anyhow I agree with John81 on his post that people rather go into politics then getting Saved and serving God and working for God and for his purpose. The last election and this current election years did numbers on me and drove me batty and is still driving me batty. I am registered to vote but , i rather serve God and live for him rather get into political stuff.

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I believe many of the saved, when they go vote, they feel they have done their Christian duty, fulfilled their Christian obligation, as many feel they have done when they attend Sunday morning preaching services. And to do any more than that is to get out of their comfort zone, & many Christians there be that refuse to leave that comfort zone.

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