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I read the preachers hall of fame and...

Doc Flay

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Thank you, that was an excellent reply, and answered my question, very well. I suppose what I am hung-up-on, so-to-speak, is the words used in such an accusation; they seem to be harsh and over bearing. "False teacher", to me seems to indicate that the one being accused of, is not in-Christ at all; but rather, if I dare to say, of spirit of anti-Christ. Please correct me if I am wrong in this assumtion.

in the fear of the Lord
Doc Flay

I would not necessary say that one that's teaching false doctrine is not saved. A person can get saved, them turn from God & start teaching a different doctrine.

For instants, I know of a pastor that use to be solid, was pastor of a Baptist church, but left the Baptist & started being pastor of a church that teaches work based salvation.

I might add, one easy way to be able to reach more people, preach in more churches, gain a larger following, is to STOP teaching that a person can be saved ONLY by grace though faith in Jesus, not of self, not of works. Reason, them you will be teaching what about 80% of the churches teach.

Those who do not teach the one & only way a person can be saved, & teaches one is saved by baptizing, church membership, of being good enough, or the many other ways taught of being saved, are very dangerous people, they will give a person a false hope, people that have a false hope of heaven are harder to win to Christ than someone with no hope.
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I would say ones like calvinsts are even more dangerous, especially the deceitful ones who deny being calvinsts; because even some good churches that wouldn't dare let anyone preach works in their church, let Calvinsts do so. Those who say that Jesus only died for a select few, are talking about another Jesus, not the one of the Bible. Just because it wears a nice suit, says "aman", "praise God" and "Jesus" and "I'm an Independent Baptist" don't mean it's of God.

2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him

15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

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Thank you, these posts are very helpful, and gave me insight and a better perpective. The leadership of a church is very important, and should be held up in prayer, because the powers of darkness are always looking for an opertunity to gain an advantage over me and my family, and the family of Christ.

in the fear of the Lord
Doc Flay

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Yes, I'm sure that is the case but I specifically mentioned IFB because that is the kind that should be the most doctrinally sound.

I figure you did, I was not pointing that though to you, nor this one either.

I believe, that years ago, one could pretty well see Baptist on a church, & at least be safe to worship in that church. I believe that that changed big time in the 60's & 70's & has been changing ever since.

I say this because of several older books I have that were written by some Southern Baptist Convention pastors during thee 40's & 50's. I have a few books written by some Southern Baptist Convention pastors from the 60's & 70's, & they are no where close to teaching the same as the earlier pastors..

I believe there's some in the SBC that are trying to bring them back to where they once were, but they may be to far gone, & have way to many liberal members. From what I understand several of the SBC Church has picked up the reformed doctrine.
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