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Hi everyone,
So I was reading the link that someone shared with me about Baptists (http://baptistpillar.com/topical_index.html) and have a few questions:
1. Alcohool - What is wrong with alcohool? Jesus Himself drank wine.
2. KJV only - What is the basis to believe that only one translation possesses the Truth?
3. Crucifixion on a wednesday - I don't understand how this can be coherent with Scripture.
For now just these...
As I already have other topics where I am learning about other things.

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I'll give you what is behind door 2.

EV=english versions

I believe the original texts are the divinely inspired Word of God in its entirety, written by men as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, and that it is the sole authority for the Christian's faith and conduct. I believe the King James Version of the Bible is the preserved Word of God for teaching and preaching to English speaking people. This is what I will use when I quote scripture. I believe other English translations contain the Word of God including the latest Roman Church, Douay, authorized version, The New American Bible, Saint Joseph Edition. (2 Timothy 3.16-17; 2 Peter 1.20-21)

...the 1769 KJV fits me and I believe God is honored that I have it settled.

Besides the above...I cannot submit to memory the newer EVs. It's too much like casual conversation which, lends to discard or minimalize a great percentage when someone is speaking. We have to remember this is God speaking to us and answering questions we have; so, casual, discard, or minimalism are not options. The KJB makes me pause and think about the meaning also; in many cases I look up meaning. It causes me to meditate on God's Word and I know that pleases Him. (2 Timothy 3:15)

As for the site you were given, I can't comment on it.

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Daniel, nothing will make sense to you until you make repentance towards God and put your trust in Jesus Christ.

"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Corinthians 2:14

Only a born again believer in Christ is possessed of the Holy Ghost and able to discern spiritual things. Only then will God hear and answer their prayers as long as they are in fellowhsip with Him.

Edited to remove the answers that only a child of God would understand, sticking with salvation.

Edited by swathdiver
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For those who want to understand the Bible.

Barnes comment on Jesus & wine:

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible
Matthew 11:16
Verses 16-19. But whereunto shall I liken, etc. Christ proceeds to reprove the inconsistency and fickleness of that age of men. He says they were like children. Nothing pleased them. tie refers here to the plays or sport of children. Instrumental music, or piping, and dancing, were used in marriages and festivals, as a sign of joy. Children imitate their parents and others, and act over in play what they see done by others. Among their childish sports, therefore was probably an imitation of a wedding, or festival occasion. We have seen also, Cmt. on Mt 9:23 that funerals were attended with mournful music, and lamentation, and howling. It is not improbable that children also, in play, imitated a mournful funeral procession. One part are represented as sullen and dissatisfied. They would not enter into the play. Nothing pleased them. The others complained of it. We have, said they, taken all pains to please you. We have piped to you, played lively tunes, and engaged in cheerful sports, but you would not join with us; and then we have played different games, and imitated the mourning at funerals, and you are equally sullen; you have not lamented; you have not joined with us. Nothing pleases you. So, said Christ, is this generation of men. John came one way; neither eating nor drinking, abstaining as a Nazarene, and you were not pleased with him. I, the Son of man, have come in a different manner, eating and drinking; not practicing any austerity, but living like other men, and you are equally dissatisfied. Nay, you are less pleased, You calumniate him, and abuse me for not doing the very thing which displeased you in John. Nothing pleases you. You are fickle, changeable, inconstant, and abusive.
Markets. Places to sell provisions; places of concourse, where also children flocked together for play.
We have piped. We have played on musical instruments. A pipe was a wind instrument of music, often used by shepherds.
Neither eating nor drinking. That is, abstaining from some kinds of food, and wine, as a Nazarene. It does not mean that he did not eat at all, but that he was remarkable for abstinence.
He hath a devil. He is actuated by a bad spirit. He is irregular, strange, and cannot be a good man.
The Son of man came eating and drinking. That is, living as others do; not practicing austerity; and they accuse him of being fond of excess, and seeking the society of the wicked.
Gluttonous. One given to excessive eating.
Wine-bibber. One who drinks much wine. A great drinker. Jesus undoubtedly lived according to the general customs of the people of his time. He did not affect singularity; he did not separate himself as a Nazarene; he did not practise severe austerities. He ate that which was common, and drank that which was common. As wine was a common article of beverage among the people, he drank it. It was the pure juice of the grape, and, for anything that can be proved, it was without fermentation, In regard to the kind of wine which was used, Cmt. on Joh 2:10. No one should plead this example, at any rate, in favour of making use of the wines that are commonly used in this country--wines, many of which are manufactured here, and without a particle of the pure juice of the grape, and most of which are mixed with brandy, or with noxious drugs, to give them colour and flavour.
Wisdom is justified of her children. The children of wisdom are the wise--those who understand. He means, that though that generation of Pharisees and fault-finders did not appreciate the conduct of John and himself, yet the wise, the candid--those who understood the reason of their conduct--would approve of, and do justice to it.
{o} "But whereunto" Lu 7:31

In Luke 7:34, the verse does not state Jesus drank alcholic wine, Jesus tells us , “ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners.” That is the ones Jesus was speaking to accused Him of this.

Lu 7:34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!

I fail to find anything in this verse that says Jesus drank alcoholic wine, only that He was accused of it. Sadly, people are still accusing Him.

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"Ye must be born again." Jesus

Until you repent and are born again in Christ, these questions you ask are pointless and can serve nothing more than fruitless debate.

You continually tramp upon that which is told you from Scripture. As has been pointed out several times, you cannot understand these matters until and unless you are born again in Christ.

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I'll give you what is behind door 2. EV=english versions I believe the original texts are the divinely inspired Word of God in its entirety, written by men as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, and that it is the sole authority for the Christian's faith and conduct. I believe the King James Version of the Bible is the preserved Word of God for teaching and preaching to English speaking people. This is what I will use when I quote scripture. I believe other English translations contain the Word of God including the latest Roman Church, Douay, authorized version, The New American Bible, Saint Joseph Edition. (2 Timothy 3.16-17; 2 Peter 1.20-21) ...the 1769 KJV fits me and I believe God is honored that I have it settled. Besides the above...I cannot submit to memory the newer EVs. It's too much like casual conversation which, lends to discard or minimalize a great percentage when someone is speaking. We have to remember this is God speaking to us and answering questions we have; so, casual, discard, or minimalism are not options. The KJB makes me pause and think about the meaning also; in many cases I look up meaning. It causes me to meditate on God's Word and I know that pleases Him. (2 Timothy 3:15) As for the site you were given, I can't comment on it.

1Tim115 you do not take a "KJV only" position so you are not answering my original question, I never said that the KJV did not possess the Truth.
But thanks for the information nevertheless.
For those who want to understand the Bible. Barnes comment on Jesus & wine: Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible Matthew 11:16 Verses 16-19. But whereunto shall I liken, etc. Christ proceeds to reprove the inconsistency and fickleness of that age of men. He says they were like children. Nothing pleased them. tie refers here to the plays or sport of children. Instrumental music, or piping, and dancing, were used in marriages and festivals, as a sign of joy. Children imitate their parents and others, and act over in play what they see done by others. Among their childish sports, therefore was probably an imitation of a wedding, or festival occasion. We have seen also, Cmt. on Mt 9:23 that funerals were attended with mournful music, and lamentation, and howling. It is not improbable that children also, in play, imitated a mournful funeral procession. One part are represented as sullen and dissatisfied. They would not enter into the play. Nothing pleased them. The others complained of it. We have, said they, taken all pains to please you. We have piped to you, played lively tunes, and engaged in cheerful sports, but you would not join with us; and then we have played different games, and imitated the mourning at funerals, and you are equally sullen; you have not lamented; you have not joined with us. Nothing pleases you. So, said Christ, is this generation of men. John came one way; neither eating nor drinking, abstaining as a Nazarene, and you were not pleased with him. I, the Son of man, have come in a different manner, eating and drinking; not practicing any austerity, but living like other men, and you are equally dissatisfied. Nay, you are less pleased, You calumniate him, and abuse me for not doing the very thing which displeased you in John. Nothing pleases you. You are fickle, changeable, inconstant, and abusive. Markets. Places to sell provisions; places of concourse, where also children flocked together for play. We have piped. We have played on musical instruments. A pipe was a wind instrument of music, often used by shepherds. Neither eating nor drinking. That is, abstaining from some kinds of food, and wine, as a Nazarene. It does not mean that he did not eat at all, but that he was remarkable for abstinence. He hath a devil. He is actuated by a bad spirit. He is irregular, strange, and cannot be a good man. The Son of man came eating and drinking. That is, living as others do; not practicing austerity; and they accuse him of being fond of excess, and seeking the society of the wicked. Gluttonous. One given to excessive eating. Wine-bibber. One who drinks much wine. A great drinker. Jesus undoubtedly lived according to the general customs of the people of his time. He did not affect singularity; he did not separate himself as a Nazarene; he did not practise severe austerities. He ate that which was common, and drank that which was common. As wine was a common article of beverage among the people, he drank it. It was the pure juice of the grape, and, for anything that can be proved, it was without fermentation, In regard to the kind of wine which was used, Cmt. on Joh 2:10. No one should plead this example, at any rate, in favour of making use of the wines that are commonly used in this country--wines, many of which are manufactured here, and without a particle of the pure juice of the grape, and most of which are mixed with brandy, or with noxious drugs, to give them colour and flavour. Wisdom is justified of her children. The children of wisdom are the wise--those who understand. He means, that though that generation of Pharisees and fault-finders did not appreciate the conduct of John and himself, yet the wise, the candid--those who understood the reason of their conduct--would approve of, and do justice to it. {o} "But whereunto" Lu 7:31 In Luke 7:34, the verse does not state Jesus drank alcholic wine, Jesus tells us , “ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners.” That is the ones Jesus was speaking to accused Him of this. Lu 7:34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners! I fail to find anything in this verse that says Jesus drank alcoholic wine, only that He was accused of it. Sadly, people are still accusing Him.

Jerry80871852 you have yourself said "He ate that which was common, and drank that which was common."
how can you say that it was grape juice? There is no mention of grape juice that I know of from that time. It always states "wine".
And that is not the only passage that Jesus talks about wine. There are several others.
If one does not get drunk I don't see what is the problem with drinking wine as Jesus did.
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Why continue with your attempts to nitpic the Word and avoid the most important question of the eternal state of of your soul? Why avoid all questions with regards to your soul, your church, your eternal destiny while constantly asking questions of little import at this time and continually attempting to find points of contention with others.

Unless you are born again in Christ, none of this matters. You are intwined with the world and ask questions and respond, or fail to respond, in the manner of the lost world.

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

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"If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself." - 1 Timothy 6:3-5

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