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In Such An Hour Film I Am Working On


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Pity about your pre trib view. When Christ comes that will be their last chance. As Ian Paisley said when preaching on Noah's ark. "And God shut the door, and God will shut the door again".

This is one of the really bad things about the Left Behind series. They leave folks with the impression that if Christ does come while they are still not saved, it won't really matter, after they recognize things they will get saved then and still be okay.

Not meaning to hijack the thread, but that's been a major problem I've had with that branch of the teaching.
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Well just so you know I believe scripture teaches that those who are left behind and have rejected the Gospel will not have another chance. But I believe there will also be many that will be saved per the 144,000 Jewish Evangelist.

That was once the most common held belief among pre-trib/pre-mil, but the other idea has been becoming more common.

If I recall, the most popular of the Left Behind movies featured a pastor who was unsaved but after the rapture he realized he was wrong and then became saved and one of God's people fighting evil. That seems to certainly be offering people a false hope and giving them excuse to not give full attention to Christ now.
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Yes I agree. But I also believe it is possible that a person could be deceived into thinking they are saved. That is not rejecting the Gospel. Anyway that belief that a person can get saved after has nothing to do with the direction I want to go with the movie. Even though it will be pretrib rapture based I will have little to do with the story. I just pray that God can be glorified people saved and that people will give it a chance before they condemn it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Well just so you know I believe scripture teaches that those who are left behind and have rejected the Gospel will not have another chance. But I believe there will also be many that will be saved per the 144,000 Jewish Evangelist.

Sorry, Bible sender. I do not understand your reasoning here. That seems like a second chance to me.
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Honeslty I am sure there are other places on here to debate the pre trib post trib rapture view. I was just asking for prayer for a movie. God bless. :)

That's true.

For clarification, I think the answer to the question is that most who hold to the pre-trib view believe that those who had the opportunity to be saved prior to the Rapture will have no further opportunity after the Rapture, they will be blinded to the truth. The 144,000 will take the Gospel to everyone else, those who had not heard the Gospel prior to the Rapture, and some of them will be saved. In this view, there is no second chance offered as those who rejected Christ before will not have opportunity to receive Him, only those who had not heard the Gospel previously.
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  • 4 weeks later...
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I will be praying for the movie as I have been.

I am not totally sold on the thought of people being saved after the Rapture of the Church. My main reason is that there is no mention of Repentance in Revelation after the Church is taken up in chapter 4:1.

We do see the 144,000 sealed, but there is no mention of them leading anyone to Salvation. We find during the times the wrath of God is poured out, people repenting not and continuing to blaspheme God.

Edited by Standing Firm In Christ
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