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A Foolish and Unconstitutional War


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I know of none that I've had to sign away either.

Chaplains could be another story, but I heard they were going downhill even 30 years ago and there isn't much change since then. My Pastor was a Chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol which I guess feel under the same or similar statutes as military Chaplains (if I understand it correctly). He left because he couldn't stomach the restrictions of how you could profess your faith.

Yes, the military chaplain system has been going downhill for a long time. In the early-80s I looked into possibly becoming a military chaplain but after I learned of the restrictions in place back then and spent a good deal of time talking with a Baptist military chaplain who was just waiting to hit his soon approaching retirement date so he could get out of there, I decided there was no way I could be a military chaplain and have a good conscience or perform my duties in the name of Christ.
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