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Usually a local church's broadcast ends before the sermon does, is that OK?



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  1. 1. Usually a local church's broadcast ends before the sermon does, is that OK?

    • Its OK
    • Should never happen
    • Makes no difference

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A local church has always had a radio broadcast on Sunday mornings. In times past part of the time they would have a singing program or but mostly a special preaching service. About 2 to 3 years back they got a new pastor, since he has been there they broadcast last Sunday's sermon this Sunday. Seldom does it fit their time slot, yet once in a while it will end a bit early, but most of the time the broadcast stops before the sermon ends.

What is you thoughts? Is that OK? I feel they're making a big mistake having so many broadcast that ends before the sermon is complete.

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A local church has always had a radio broadcast on Sunday mornings. In times past part of the time they would have a singing program or but mostly a special preaching service. About 2 to 3 years back they got a new pastor, since he has been there they broadcast last Sunday's sermon this Sunday. Seldom does it fit their time slot, yet once in a while it will end a bit early, but most of the time the broadcast stops before the sermon ends.

What is you thoughts? Is that OK? I feel they're making a big mistake having so many broadcast that ends before the sermon is complete.

With TV, as with radio, you buy airtime. There is no "grace period", broadcast starts on time and ends on time (to the second). If the service is not done, someone's not watching the clock close enough (again, to the second - not the minute. A slightly early end can be filled with the exit clip being played to its fullest [ a repeat on the clip is noticeable], a late end can only be terminated in mid broadcast.

Pay for the extra time? Can't do it because someone's paid time is following yours.

If the broadcast is made for the airtime then there is no reason to miss the time (I've preached on the radio for 15 yrs). I don't choreograph our services (they may be 50 min or 1hr 35 min or anything else) therefore wouldn't try to air them live on a time based media. Edited by OLD fashioned
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Yes, since getting their last pastor they audio tape the morning services probably sending it to the station as is. I feel doing this is a disservice to our Lord. and I feel they probably lose some of their listeners. I've never mention this to anyone, but the wife and I have discussed this for its usually on the radio as we head for church. And it seems most times it just suddenly ends without an ending.

But worse than that it just might be at some point a person is at the point of accepting Jesus as Savior if the ending of the sermon was not cut off. As we know when a person gets to that point without crossing over, their heart hardens a bit to the Word.

I will add one more thought, this pastor shares his time with the lodge. I've seen his picture along with other lodge members in our local paper with their cute little aprons. Perhaps that's why he has not time to notice or think about their radio broadcast.

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There are many masonic members in several area churches. While the Masons might miss church for some reason, they never miss a masonic meeting or event. They don't have symbols of Christianity about them (not that such is necessary) but they do make sure their masonic symbols are everywhere; from belt buckles to bumper stickers.

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There are many masonic members in several area churches. While the Masons might miss church for some reason, they never miss a masonic meeting or event. They don't have symbols of Christianity about them (not that such is necessary) but they do make sure their masonic symbols are everywhere; from belt buckles to bumper stickers.

watches, rings, hat pin, tie clasp, or even a patch on their shirt or coat, plus there is hand shake. I've hear how they will help a masonic brother, probably faster than a Christian brother.
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In a small town in Kentucky I found that the Masons ran the town. Most of those who attended the local Baptist church were Masons. The church leadership and masonic leadership were virtually the same. They all claimed to be Christian but it was obvious they took their Masonry more seriously. They were very proud their local negroes were "good negroes" because the Masons "kept them in line" and didn't allow outsiders to interfere.

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In years gone by I believe the Masons were a bit more popular around here than in recent years, and it seems those who were both in church and in the masons were better Mason members than church members. And hung out with the Masons much more than with the church members.

Seems for many they just can't let go of society stuff whether its masons or whatever, of course if your a business man it pays off quite good.

I worked for a man several years ago that tired to get me in the Jaycees, one point he made, making contacts, friends, in the Jaycees would brighten my future in the community.

You know how it is, a certain group sticks together, and if your not in that group there be certain opportunities you will not get. You know, the respect of person people.

And I've got a good one on that. The other day some Mexicans were burning trash in their yard, the mayor visited them and told them to put it out, if they kept doing this they would be in trouble. Right across the street on the school grounds they were burning trash, of course, that's different.

Wow, at the number of people that use people, use them trying to climb the ladder of success. I refuse to use my friends in such a manner, in fact if someone is a friend, a true friend, you don't use them. Of course I know that respecting bunch would say that I'm senile and or crazy.

I'm not a social light.

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