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George W. Bush’s daughter promotes gay ‘marriage’ in New


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George W. Bush’s daughter promotes gay ‘marriage’ in New York
by Thaddeus Baklinski
Wed Feb 02, 2011 18:35 EST

(LifeSiteNews.com) - George W. Bush’s daughter Barbara has joined her mother in opposing the former president’s stand against same-sex “marriage” by appearing in a video promoting gay “marriage” in New York.

Last May, former first lady Laura Bush had told television talk show host Larry King that she disagreed with her husband regarding the legality of homosexual “marriage.”

A screenshot from the HRC ad featuring Barbara Bush.“Do you think we should have it?” King asked.

“Well, I think that we ought to definitely look at it,” Mrs. Bush responded. “When couples are committed to each other and love each other — they ought to have, I think, the same sort of rights that everyone has.”

President Bush had supported pro-family legislation and policies, including a federal marriage amendment, while in office, and threatened to veto proposed legislation which would have included “sexual orientation” among the categories protected by hate crime legislation.

In her 22-second ad released Tuesday, produced by homosexual rights group The Human Rights Campaign, Ms. Bush said, “I’m Barbara Bush and I’m a New Yorker for marriage equality. New York is about fairness and equality and everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love. Join us.”

Paul Guequierre, a spokesman for the homosexual rights group, told the media in a press release, “New York is one of our priority states.”

The New York State Senate voted overwhelmingly in 2009 to reject legislation that would have legalized homosexual “marriage.”

However, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has given his unequivocal support for the gay agenda. In an election speech last fall, Cuomo said, “I don’t want to be the governor who just proposes marriage equality. I don’t want to be the governor who lobbies for marriage equality. I don’t want to be the governor who fights for marriage equality. I want to be the governor who signs the law that makes equality a reality in the state of New York.”

Recent polls by Siena Research Institute and Quinnipiac University have found that support for same-sex “marriage” among New York voters stands at about 56 percent.


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This is a snapshot of the future Rep. party. Our country is in need of a revival of Godliness instead we are seeing it go further away, and daddy is a "good" Christian man. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, more often than not it reflects that they have been raised in and around.

Isn't it amazing and I wonder if we notice that the children in a family usually follow the mother and her beliefs, especially when it come to following God and the worship thereof.

Look at the many kings of Israel.

Edited by Bro Jim
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Don't foget Bush's VP, Cheney, has a lesbian daughter and he proudly stands by her "decision" and supports "homosexual rights".

Bush's Secretary of State, Rice, was also a vocal supporter of homosexuals and praised all the homosexuals which Bush appointed to various government positions while he was in office.

Bush wasn't as solid on this issue as some suggest.

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